
Paranormal question please help?

by Guest66892  |  earlier

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I am a junior in high school and am taking AP science. My science teacher says ghosts & spirits are 100% real, but aliens, ufos, demons, and poltregiests are not. We have to write a 5 page paper about ghosts and spirits. We have to incorporate the theory that energy never dies and that our body moves on into a spirit world. My science teacher made us watch Sylvia Browne & Ghost Hunters today. Is my science teacher whacko or what?




  1. wow i would love to have been in ur class!!! i luv Sylvia Browne & Ghost Hunters

    *blah blah blah...keep the thumbs down coming, it's not like i wasn't expecting it!*

  2. Wow, your teacher is Awesome! I do disagree though. I think demons and poltergiests are real. Those are types of ghosts. Ghost Hunters ROCKS! That's an easy A.

    Edit: to "Webwise" Ghost Hunters is NOT staged. If it was, then why the heck would they try to debunk a bunch of claims and some of the time they don't even find anything. If it was staged they would find stuff in every episode. Why are you people in the paranormal section if you don't believe in it. Apparently you believe in it a little, because you seem to find it interesting.

    Edit: OMG! I just found out that I am psychic! I predict............ thumbs down from immature YA members who say they don't believe, but they really do because they are viewing this question secretly and think they are cool.

    Edit: OMG! My prediction is coming true!

  3. Maybe your teacher doesn't really believe in these things and she is trying to make you look at these ridiculous claims critically?

    If she if really encouraging you to believe in this rubbish she should be sacked, get your parents to complain to the head of science department at your school or the principal.

  4. Wow.  I believe in the afterlife, but I don't think the subject should be taught in science class.  After all it hasn't been proven on a scientific basis and there's too much debate on whether it actually does exist.  It sounds as if your teacher is trying to force their beliefs onto you.  I would definitely talk to your parents about having a talk with the principal about the curriculum.  If your parents don't listen, just go talk to the principal yourself.  There's too many things that need to be taught in anatomy class to be interrupted by something that has no scientific fact.  

  5. I do believe that spirits are 100 percent genuine,

    however that is not the proper subject for a high

    school science teacher to be discussing. I can

    guarantee you, she is not supposed to be talking

    about that stuff. If her boss finds out, she would

    be told to stop it or else get fired.

    I suggest you don't report her to anyone, because

    the subject is a lot more fun than the usual stuff,

    and if she has to stop, class will be more boring.

    Best wishes,


  6. Aliens are real, they park their ship (in invisibility mode) on the front lawn and come in for a cup of tea.

    My tea is superior to any other known or unknown tea.  

  7. I think it's interesting in as much that I think it's all about energy, down to sub atomic particles, quarks and such. And I do like watching the Ghost Hunters even though I think a lot of those    " personal experiences " are just that and nothing more.  So they can't use that as evidence.  And  I frequently don't see/hear what they do when they present their evidence ( but sometimes I do and think it's interesting ).  I think it's good to question authority when you feel the need.  And  I think it's nice to have a teacher that would expose students to something unconventional as it raises awareness.  However, I don't think this teacher is in the position to grade you on this information.  What are the " right " answers?  It wouldn't be fair to penalize people because they don't agree; beliefs of this caliber (the after life ) are something very personal.  And some people don't know what they believe for years until one day it becomes clear to them.  It appears to have made you think.  If you don't get it, then you don't, which is fine.  Some people will get it.  Some will be intrigued.  Some will feel it reinforces why they don't believe in it.  I don't think you can be graded on this stuff.  But if it's just to give you something to think about, then good for your teacher.   Don't worry, unless this teacher tries to force you to believe.  Then you should be worried and tell your parents.  Good luck!

  8. No, he's not wacko. They DO exist. they're just not measurable by conventional means. Demons and poltergeists are real as well. A ghost is a spirit who hasn't crossed over. A poltergiest is in essence a "noise ghost". They're the ones who move things and try to frighten you. They're always dark.

    as far as dying... the body dies, the spirit lives on. You reincarnate until you've learned the lesson(s) you were meant to learn.  

  9. If you have issues with this, talk to your principle and the head of the science department at your school.  I tried checking your past answers and such, but they are hidden.  If I remember correctly, your answers skew towards belief in these paranormal phenomena.  Regardless as to whether you believe or not, coming up with a scientific paper incorporating theories about how energy never dies to suggest the existence of ghosts is ridiculous.  Energy never dies, but it does change forms.  Your body is maintained at a 98 degree temperature, but after you die, this energy is released into the atmosphere and surroundings.  Your body still contains all the chemicals and compounds it does when you are alive, thus your dead body still contains the energy it had when you were alive.  This is why it is able to burn in a crematorium.  You stop taking in new energy through eating and breathing, because you are no longer expending energy.  From a scientific aspect, raw energy dissipates very quickly unless it is being stored somehow (chemically, as potential energy, etc.)

    Edit: I apologize if this is a little rambling, but I have been thinking about this for the last half hour or so.  Think about a common light bulb.  Light bulbs use electricity and emit light and heat.  The only relationship between the light and heat and the original electrical energy is the total amount.  The energy, once it is light and heat, retains no characteristics of the original electric energy.  Additionally, according to thermodynamics, the resulting energy after the transformation is of lesser quality than the original, it's less coherant.

  10. I wouldn't call him whacko. I personally believe in spirits but I have had plenty of "experiences"  Really I think he is sort of bringing his belief system to school and he shouldn't do that. Making you do a 5 page essay on ghost and spirits is kind of unnecessary he should keep his beliefs at home. I am not putting him down but he seems to go a little out of control with this spiritual stuff. Hey it is a school assingment though, I had a teacher who did the exact same thing! He shouldn't do that because not everyone believes in ghost and not everyone has the same belief system. Well best of luck on your essay!

    EDIT: How can your teacher conclude that ghosts and spirits are 100% real, this has not been scientifically proven yet, at least to my understanding it hasn't I may be wrong.

  11. I don't think shes crazy but she is kind of pushing her ideas and beliefs onto you guys.


  12. Your teacher can not make these definite conclusions.  It's a very in depth subject that science and religion can not agree on.  Plus, if your Science Teacher was tuned in, he/she would realize that Ghost Hunters is staged.  Your teacher also did not include angels as not being real.  It seems to me that your teacher is more objective than subjective.  Do some research from your own chosen resources to come to your own conclusions.

  13. I think your science teacher needs to be more objective than that. True Poltergiest activity is from an agent or person that is broadcasting emotion that is deepseeded and causing the phyisical effects of a haunting,the visual of a haunting and so on. Read more at . Loyd Auerbach is a parapsychologist.

    Pete Haviland ACCH

  14. well she is about demons not existing because they do. i have lived in a house that was haunted by one. poltergeist do too. both are energy but demons are evil not from anything that lived. poltergeists are just psychic energy that some teens give off.

  15. Actually your science teacher is a dictator and is forcing their view on you, and you have to support it.

    I would research Sylvia Brown and all the sites that indicate how much she charges for her sessions, and all the sites that find her as fraudulent.

    As far as Ghost Hunters, those guys are plumbers. Like 99% of paranormal enthusiasts, they do not hold a degree in Parapsychology.

    I would put in a rebuttal and remind your teacher our country was founded upon the First Amendment---Freedom Of Speech.

    And therefore, your interpretation of the information you researched left you with the following view; (and fill in your own blanks).

  16. She is extremely wacko if she really believes that guff.

    Have a look at this site to see what a fraud Sylvia Browne really is.

    If you want a skeptic forum try this one

    This is the site that offers a million dollars to anyone that can prove a paranormal ability under scientific testing conditions.

  17. Definitely not. I admire him for bringing up an area of science that is very rarely studied, let alone in a school atmosphere. I think it will really open a lot of eyes to the subject. The general public is really uneducated about paranormal phenomena. I hope you have fun!

  18. I happen to believe 100 percent in spirits but your teacher is wrong for telling you that they are real.    The existence of spirits has not been scientifically proven yet.   I think it would be best for your teacher to have you write a theory and argument for or against.   As of now all anyone has to base their beliefs on is personal experience so your teacher is way out of line by teaching his/her beliefs in a classroom.

  19. your teacher is not whack. ghosts and spirits do exist. people don't believe in them because they are scared to admit the truth.

  20. If what you say is true.I seriously doubt it is,I have to admit.

    Your teacher even if she is right she is wrong.

    First there's no way to tell if ghosts are real.Neither can you prove energy moves to a spirit world.

    This isn't science it's religion.Not very well disguised either.

    Too many holes in this story.Without more information,I'm putting it in the phony column.

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