
Paranormal question...?

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Sometimes I hear a muffled noise that sounds like a radio that is to far away to make out what is being said. Not music , but the sound of voices having a conversation, that you can't quite make out. I don't know how else to describe it. I hear it at different times when the house is quiet. Could this just be radio waves floating around and I am just right there to hear them?




  1. here is a way to capture what your hearing go to walmart and buy a hand held digital recorder they are quite inexpensive they will pick up things you will not believe and you can get about 18 to 26 hours of recording let it record every night until you capture the sounds then email me if you world like I will have you download it on the computer and send it to me I will run it through a sound editing program and clean it up and tell you what you have  hope this helps

  2. Yes, some people have the superability of being able to receive electromagnetic communication. Such people often learn about their abilities when they find they can pick up radio stations with their brain. Later on they find they can communicate with spirits in the same way. I have this ability myself.

    The downside is that it is hard to turn off this ability, especially when the spirits are talkative. I've lined the walls and ceiling of my bedrom with 1/4" steel plate just to absorb the EM energy so I can get some rest. I may lose the deposit on my apartment because of it. Sometimes it's a curse.

    EDIT: I've tried an aluminum hat and a full aluminum foil body suit, but it didn't work. I don't think its thick enough to keep spirit EMF transmissions from passing through.

  3. Prvoviding that you are not indulging in a little liquid refreshment at the time....I would have to give you a yep...could be paranormal.  However it would not qualify as an EVP because the use of electronics did not play a part.

  4. Certain radio transmissions can be perceived as sounds by the human brain, That's a possibility.

    Another possibility could be sound waves doing unusual things. Lower frequencies tend to travel further, but under different acoustic conditions all sound waves can behave in various ways. Sound also travels through other things besides air. It can travel well through liquids and solids.

  5. Your def not crazy. And I dont think you should wear an alumnium hat that will just make you look crazy. Is there a chance you have alluminum or silver (metal of some kind) fillings? That sometimes affects stuff that you can pick up hearing. However sometimes you can just pick up on certain sounds. It might just be that your hearing register picks up on certain wave lengths. Kind of like how dogs can hear that high pitched whistle while humans cannot hear it. Humans have things like that as well, its just different for certain people. I have a friend that can hear a loud EEEEE noise anytime a plan is passing over. Its just your ears.

  6. Generally at my house, when all is quiet, that means everybody is snuggled up in bed and drifting off to dream land (not Groom Lake), as am I.

    Which makes more sense? You are drifting off to sleep, and you are entering a dream phase, or the far more logical explanation that paranormal entities, or perhaps goblins are chatting just out of earshot.

    Or even mor realistically, that space aliens have traveled a billion gazillion miles just to s***w with your head personally.

    The more I think of it, I can now see how outlandish that dream idea is. Personally I think it's the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot playing a nice game of cribbage in your living room.

    Do you people actually think before you ask these questions?

  7. That has been happening to me a lot. But only lately.  it sometimes would happen to be whan something big would happen, but i used to ignore it, but now it's getting too hard to ignore it.  something big is something.  i can sometimes hear the voices like shouting to get my attention then the voice getting quietter like they don't have enough energy to transmitt through to this world.  Maybe we are being contacted for a reason.  Good Luck

  8. Maybe that is someone's way of trying to contact you for help. Maybe someone is trapped in your telivision or radio. Has anyone ever died in your house? Has someone you loved ever died? Did you move into that house, or has someone lived there before you?

  9. You need to seek professional help, right away.

  10. For some people, hearing voices in their heads is a positive experience, not a sign of mental illness or cause for distress.

    I would first consult  psychologists  about depression and then schizophrenia, both  being a signs of auditory hallucinations.

    Take in mind that everyone hears voices with the water running or the hair dryer on.

    It is not the radio or cell phone, but most likely a case of depression.

  11. I have the same thing going on now in my house. We have actually got to talk to a man and a woman and a little girl who is not in our family. Strange we could almost make out what they say. We used a trigger object and got responses to our questions. You could try to rationalize it but the object was not moved by us and only moved when asked a question. Maybe u should try to communicate with them.

  12. Whenever it's totally quiet around me I still hear a dull buzzing.  Perhaps it's just a result of hearing damage due to the rock and roll years, or maybe it's just the sound of silence.  The one thing I do know is there's nothing paranormal about it.  Perhaps you're just hearing a different version of the same thing.

  13. There have been cases of people with loose dental fillings picking up radio waves.  It's not a common thing but it does happen.  Even Lucy Ball claimed to have this happen to her.

    Check out these sites---

  14. I have also heard these static like sounds. Almost like a channel trying to come in clear but not quite clear. I have also heard old music and followed it all over the house and it never got louder or clearer from room to room. It just stayed the same until it just stopped. This has happened more than once. Several people living in the house has also heard this.

  15. I had weird stuff like that happen in an office where I worked. I learned that if I said "Hey, guys, I'm very sorry but I need to do this work here. Please stop the noise because you're distracting me. I know you're here but I would appreciate quiet" then it would go away almost as if someone heard me and understood. Weird, huh? But try it.

    I might add this would only happen at night, when no one else was in the building. I'm not sure I'd have had the guts to say anything if other people were there with me.

  16. Have you ever gone to bed and and heard what sounded like you left the tv on? Even though you know you didn't? Have you even gotten up to check? Then just as soon as you layed yourself back down, you could hear it again? Annoying, isn't it? I have been told that these are pretty normal, nothing to worry about.

  17. Well, I've had the same experience.  What you're hearing is demon talk.  No kidding- what you can almost make out is demons talking among themselfs.

    I got pissed, and threw away 2 tiki gods my Dad had purchased, and one fat statue of buddah.  Then I went thru the house, and prayed over each and every door, and every computer monitor.

    They went away- I suggest you talk to a Preacher at a Pentacostal Church for more details

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