
Paranormal state answer?

by Guest64223  |  earlier

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There was an episode of paranormal state where the dog wouldn't go inside the house. They found a dog that hadn't decomposed yet. Lurraine said it was ritualistic. What kind of ritual? And where does witchcraft come from? Do some goths do it?




  1. IF witchcraft, voodoo, hoodoo, whatever, were to actually be possible, then it the work of the devil. I reccomand staying as far away from that as possible.

  2. I am sure that there are people out there who would to use animals for ritual magic. But I know of no white magic that involves the sacrifice of any animal.  There is a possibility that a "wanna be" thought that it would be cool to do so.  In some cases, the people declare themselves a cult, decide to make animal sacrifies and the end result is pretty much what they experienced in that episode.

  3. Lorraine is full of c**p... the dog was wrapped in a tarp, and that slows decomp considerably.

    Don't believe everything you hear on TV, ok?

  4. Heres something if it doesnt suit you just put sacrificing dogs for ritual purposes in search ingine

  5. Definitely don't pay attention to silly TV shows.

    Witchcraft almost never involves killing a dog.

    Crazy people kill dogs, or dogs can die for

    natural causes.

    Do a search on witchcraft and you will find enough

    info to satisfy your curiosity I'm sure... but don't take

    it too seriously.

  6. If you want to find out about ritual sacrifice of animals, forget witchcraft. I am a pagan and I know of none that perform animal sacrifices. Not to say it does not happen, just it is not normal and most I have heard of are not really pagan, just playing for attention. Most of us have too much respect for life and nature to get involved with that stuff, it is more counterproductive than keeping the animal alive.

    If you are really interested in ritual sacrifice of animals, read the old testament. There you can learn how it is to be done.

    Most of the publicity against pagans in general and the practices we supposedly do is from Christians. They see us as competition and do their best to give any of us a bad name. Thankfully some Christians know the truth and openly deny that we are "evil".

  7. In many rituals maybe concerning the worship of a god or goddess animals are often sacrificed.

    It's unfair to say that all Goths would do these kind of rituals.

    Some would depending on their beliefs but so would many people that aren't Goths.

    Stereotypes have nothing to do with it, belief does.

  8. What kind of ritual?  It wasn't a ritual at all.  As with many (most?) elements of this show, this ritual business is pure fantasy.  In other words, they made it up.

    These Paranormal State people are like gypsies.  They bring their baggage with them.  You could place them in any situation and they will invent all sorts of BS magic to explain everything.

    Goths wear dark clothes and listen to mopey music.  They don't worship the devil or sacrifice animals.  h**l, nobody worships the devil.

  9. it probably wasn't witchcraft (like Wiccans or Pagans)  it was probably a Satanic group sacrificed for demons, devil, etc.  Not all the people in that religion is Goth, you can't judge people by the religion they are.  Do all Christians wear clothes that cover up their whole body that doesn't have any wrong saying or picture print on it, doesn't have piercings or tattoos, or  never dye their hair or curse?

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