
Paranormal state people!!!?

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omg i would seriously date ryan buell! he is sooo freakin s**y!!! he should call me!!! so anywho... who here likes paranornal state? i do think they are better than taps becaus ethey stay there longer and junk and taps only stays there for like 3 mins (lol) buy omg ryan is cute!!




  1. That makes me wonder why there are no shows featuring good looking women that investigate paranormal activity.

    I wonder if the shows have more female than male viewers.

    I like both shows but I wish Ryan would leave his personal problems and religious beliefs at home instead of bringing them on investigations.

    I agree that at times TAPS doesn't stay long enough but what bothers me more than that is when activity is reported at between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. and TAPS investigates from 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. when no activity has been reported,


  2. Ryan is not g*y, but Sergey probably is. Did you see the episode with the pillow fight? He's obviously still in the closet, though.

    I like Paranormal State, but it's not at the top of my TiVo list.

    I was amused by the early episodes where Ryan kept telling everyone not to say the demon's name. Then the producers flashed on the letters of its name during the seance. OMG! Anyone with a TiVo and any knowlege of angelic and demonic names could've figured it out. I'm just sure some "bright" people figured it out and tried to call up that demon. So not a good idea.

    - Persephone

  3. I am sure the fact that he is easy on the eyes did not escape the folks at A&E as well.  I like the show all in all.  But then I like Taps also.  I think it is a matter of time and editing on either show that causing them to be presented as they are.  Time meaning you know you have to pay for the camera people and so filming is limited according to the rules of the union they belong to.  Taps, like other groups have to stay days in some cases in order to do a full investigation.

  4. i have no idea what you are saying. it's like you can't spell or something.there's something called spell check. try it.

  5. You do make a good point about TAPS staying for under 12 hours to conduct an investigation.

    And it would be nice if they could set up shop in a place for 2 or 3 days.

  6. This has nothing to do with Paranormal Phenomena and I totally WOULD !

  7. Uh, Ryan is g*y, so you're wasting time on that one!

    Pershephone-  Ryan and Serge live together, they're a couple.  My daughter goes to Penn State and knows them both.  g*y.  Not that there's anything wrong with that..LOL

  8. isnt he?

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