
Paranormal story..what's happening?

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I was reccently in New York City on the 16th of this month. I went into the huge Toys R Us and looked for an ouija board, but I couldn't find one. I asked an associate and she said, "I'm sorry we don't sell those here anymore, There have been claims of unexplained happenings with them so we had to pull them. I don't think Hasbro will be making them anymore. Try eBay, Sir." Does it really have this effect or was the associate being an ASSociate?




  1. Law suits can occur for any reason. I've seen civil litigation over grape juice, tones of voice, and even coughing as someone walks down the street. Therefore, it's entirely possible that someone sued Hasbro for "unexplained happenings" surrounding the boards. You might want to ask if there was really a suit or threat of litigation against Hasbro for this in the legal sections.

    Please allow me to point you to the question "where do I get a Ouija board" and read my response there. Spirit boards like the Ouija really are unsafe, though I've never heard of anyone having "unexplained happenings" that weren't simply expressions of their own willpower being lowered.

  2. I really doubt that's true.  It's just a piece of cardboard, and Hasbro knows that.  If they could actually demonstrate any of these 'unexplained happenings', they'd never need to make another game - because they'd have all the money they'd ever want.

  3. okay i have played once but not a full time..

    I have never experienced anything but i know many people who have including my parents and friends.

    Its something that you cannot believe or not believe in it unless you play it.

    Try it!! Its fun! and creepy =))

    best of luck

  4. According to a local psychic who works with the city police, Ouija boards are VERY dangerous.  You can end up with negative spirits or worse-demons that you can't get rid of.  You may not know it, but you could end up with an attachment.  They will bring you very bad luck.  Stay away!!!!!!

  5. I don't know if what they said is true, but I used one once and a furry monkey flew out of it and molested my puppy.  THESE THINGS ARE NOT A TOY!

  6. Ouija is a trademark of Parker Bros, not Hasbro.  Could be that the managment of that particular Toys R Us is either superstitious or worried about heat they may take from religious fundmentalists.  It is sold on the Toys R Us website.

  7. No, it does not have that effect.  Toys R Us is just reacting to hysterical superstitious people.  They have evaluated how pulling one product would affect their bottom line and they have decided to not rock the boat.  I'm sure it's still available online.

    This could just as easily happened to any other product in the store.

    "Tickle Me Elmo attracts demons and opens a portal to the other side."

  8. I'm sure there are some people that will swear up and down that an ouija board opened some door to the other side or something, but I don't believe it.  There isn't any proof of that happening.  I think it's all in the mind.  People use one and get themselves all worked up and scared.  When you're scared, your senses heighten.  They start hearing house creeks and other things they never noticed before and convince themselves it's a ghost, or something like that most likely.

  9. Its possible they did pull they out. I dont think they were trying to be rude =]

  10. can't tell you why the associate said what she did, but, i can surely tell you that the ouija board certainly can be used as a portal or entryway to realms where dangerous 'things' roam about.  the problem with the boards is that those using them do not self protect and it is impossible to be selective as to what comes thru.  they really are NOT a toy.

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