
Paraplegic want to adopt a child... Any drawbacks??

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Paraplegic 28 year old woman married to a 28 man, expecting their first child (a boy)... Previous miscarriage, a little afraid and quite excited, planing to adopt in order to get the couple... Would paraplegia go against us in our application?

This is my brother's and his wife´s situation... What do you think?




  1. No problem.  I know of many in similar circumstances.

  2. Need more data to adequately answer that like how is the financial situation, the mental health situation, the cultural situation on and on and on...

  3. I'm not sure whether she's pregnant or adopting, but in my opinion, it's important to be able to physically care for a child.  Raising a child is very physically demanding.  There's a lot of bending and lifting.  Now that I have toddlers I am doing a lot of chasing them around, and making sure they don't climb the furniture.  I do a lot of getting down on the floor and playing with them.   It's important to be able to get them in and out of the carseats correctly.  There's also the important task of being able to grab a child and run from a burning building.  I would never leave my toddlers with someone who couldn't save them.  Just some things to consider ...

  4. I know of a single woman (living in the UK) who was refused approval to adopt a child due to the fact that she is disabled (she cannot walk without the aid of crutches) anyway, she had to travel to America in order to be able to successfully adopt a child (this was 7/8 years ago).

    You may find that your brother and his wife may be able to adopt here in the UK if they can prove that they have a good support group (ie - someone who could look after the adopted child if they were to become to ill to look after the child themselves), but you may also find that the couple may have to look to adopt a child from abroad as they may not get approved in the UK.

    Am i right in thinking that your brother is able bodied? If so, then i think that they should be able to adopt a child. It makes a great difference if only one of the couple is disabled or if they both are.

  5. This question (?) doesn't make sense to me...'expecting their first child' does that mean pregnant or expecting the arrival of an adopted child?

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