
Parent's to be and parent's to be for teenagers....Does this kinda scare you?

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are you asking yourself how your going to try to prevent it cause you don't want your child having that expierance at a young age ?




  1. hahahaha if you knew what ive done as a teenager you'd be a lot more scared.

    no it doesnt scare me.....unless you're retarded you should know stuff like that goes on, instead of being scared you should get PREPARED....and learn how to most effectively deal with situations such as those.

  2. NO WHERE near ready for that to happen and hopefully I have many more yrs before it does. Say a prayer that it is yrs before it happens. Not ready, they are growing up too fast as it is.

  3. I know I'm not a parent, and it is morning so and I'm sober...:P, but 4 some children if u say no they will do the opposite things, so try talk 2 them and advice them only drink in small proportions cause there will be consequences, but try 2 tell them that they should always have a backup plan when they r out and the only way home is by car, they should talk 2 someone, maybe friend, parents, who can they trust that they can call him/her anytime 2 come and pick them up without giving them the 3rd degree cause once we  where all, I sound like my Grandmother..:p

    oh hi Goofy, long since seen u, how is collage? and it is good 2 know that some men r not drinking...:D until getting drunk

  4. What's scarier is that the parents of most of these kids are aware of the drinking and a lot of them even permit it or buy the alcohol themselves for the kids.

  5. yes.


  6. Be a role model for your teen. Let them know that if you let them go out and come back drunk, confidence will never be the same again. I let my daughter know this and she is 17. She is a dancer at school. She has never come back drunk, or smell like cigarette or anything else. I never drink or smoke. I don't like it. I tell her it will only mess her up, and she might get kicked out of dancing if she does anything inappropriate. She is a senior already, so I think my strategy has worked.

  7. i'm in a compromising position. the asker is my contact! i wouldnt tell her you asked this question, but you might have noticed i did not answer that question, for 2 reasons -

    1. i don't drink

    2. i don't know what to say!

    she hadn't posted such a question before, not saying it changes things between us. honest opinion...i cant tell, they can do what they want, but underage drinking should be checked...

  8. the experience of getting drunk? well my teen better never drive if he plans on drinking I don't care what time it is he better call me for a ride so he doesn't kill himself or anyone else

  9. well yeah because i am a good teen in front of adults!

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