The last two years I was the "Events Coordinator" for my daughter's school's PTO. My husband was the president of the PTO (and effectively I was his personal secretary). The last two years I've created all the fliers, brochures, agendas, volunteer solicitation, funds/grants applications and newsletters for the PTO, as well as working every event from pre-event coordination to clean up. We voted in a new board last night and the new secretary will take over the fliers/brochures/fundraising/newsletters and the Events Coordinator will do the volunteer/pre-event coordination. I am SO relieved to not be on the board anymore I can't tell you. My husbands comment was 'don't look so relived!" (he is the new VP). I mean the position I was doing has been split between two people (and the secretary gets all the templates of all the above mentioned literature). Am I in the wrong to feel so relieved?