
Parent need you to help me out????

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I have been trying to convince my parents to getting me a cell phone, they have a tracfone and all i want is a Motorola W376g. I'm 13, going into 8th grade! I tell her told her I need it for-

~Peace of Mind- I can contact them they can contact me no matter what, the world is a scary place now a days!

~I have always got good grades

~ I am more than responsible enough for it

~If I go on Washington DC trip this year

~I will completely pay for it on my own. (This will cause me to be more aware of the time I spend talking on it) and I have enough to buy on my own

What else can I do to convince them?!?!? HELP ME! I need tips in what I can do to help me get this cell phone (I admit I've been bugging them pretty much :/ ) SO WHAT ELSE CAN I DO???!??! HHHHEEELLLLLLPPPPPPP MMMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. Wait princess! A time for everything and everything in it's time! Now... You must know that you kill me laughing, I swear! You are so funny and how you say anyone get my point here? The world is a dangerous place! Your parents know that princess but like I said, they are not confortable with you having one yet and maybe you respecting their feelings and time will make them see that you are responsible you know?! When you accept and respect others wishes that makes you selfless and respecting their wishes on when you get a cell phone will make them see that you are responsible and mature. Patience is also a big thing, and when you are mature you are responsible and patient and you accept that things happen in their own time, no matter what we want. I once read somewhere that it is a big mistake that people make to want to make things happen when they want it to happen because that will only make things turn out NOT to be the way they should have been or the way we wanted them to be, because we changed everything with impatience and now a new lesson must be learned, a lesson on patience. It is really a virtue! Just wait, before you go on your trip to Washington they may give you one, you never know, but you just need to respect their wishes and time, you need to be patient and mature about all this and in a way selfless byt letting go of what you want and understanding that you have no control over the situation because like I said a time for everything and everything in it's time! I am sorry if it is not the answer you are looking for, but I would rather tell you the truth and tell you my honest opinion. I care and I want you to have a cell phone too, but I don't want to see you sad about not having one. You will have one!



  2. We survived with out cell phones ALL THE WAY through high school AND college!  You're 13.  You don't need a phone.

  3. you bring up valid points........but will you stick with it for more than a week and them not get footed with the bill?(meaning stick with it and not do what most kids do and just stop paying it after a week and demand the parents pay it.)

    lmao@ evie.............completely see your point. i kinda think parents are alil too clingy to their kids now a days......when we fell and got hurt we had to walk our butts home........not just call and have them come get us like a taxi service

  4. you don't need a cell phone.

    they can get you one of those baby phones that only calls home. that will give you peace of mind!!!  you can always call them and they can always call you....  no texting and calling your friends tho.

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