
Parent only..........Have you ever take your kids to work?

by  |  earlier

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If so, Did they have fun and learn a lot from it????




  1. I haven't as i'm a sahm, but my hubby often take our boys to work at weekends. He's a baker and they love making bread and donuts with him. They've learned all about proving up bread and how to weigh flour out

  2. I used to take my  daughter to work with me when she was 3 and I was working. She would get bored sometimes,but then again my job was boring. And I doubt she learned anything from it because she was always paying more attention to her toys and not what I was doing.  

  3. i'm a kid. my parents took me to work be4 and it wasn't very fun. Kinda boring. But...  

  4. My step daughter always seemed to have fun when I had to take her to the store I worked at as a cashier.  It was a bit hard for me though, because she wanted to get in to everything and it was difficult to keep up with my job duties and keep her out of my hair long enough to finish them!  But I think she learned a little, and she did have fun.

  5. I haven't. My son is only 5 and while I'm sure he would have fun I just can't. I work in a jail and its not safe, not to mention its illegal. I wish I could though because I'm sure he would have fun and it would be a great learning experience for him.

  6. I use to take my 8 year old to the office supply store I worked at.

    He loved it and learned how to ring up items with the old style punch registers, he learned how to close up and also how to use the copy machines.

    He always asked to go back.

  7. my kids hate to go to work with me. I am a daycare teacher and he hates to see other kids get my attention. he is 4. my older child just hates hanging around a bunch of little kids when he comes to work with me. so i'm guessing maybe its my job they hate.

  8. I have been in sales for 10 years.  My daughter is almost 9.  She has been going to work with me regularly all her life.  This summer I didn't even enroll her in day care.  She worked with me every day.  She has even gone to trade shows. I ordered her child size golf shirts from Lands End with my company logo.  She was treated like a celebrity at the shows!

    She has learned so much about communication, business, responsibility, work ethic, career options, importance of education... etc.  Also, I have been able to take her to tons of places during sales trips. We always try to go on a tour or fun excursion while out of town.  

    She has wanted to be an attorney since she was 2.  I think that learning to communicate with such a variety of people has been very beneficial regardless of her career path.  She also has a better respect for our family budget from seeing first hand how hard I work to provide.  I am a single mom and she is my only child.  If she didn't work with me when she isn't in school, we wouldn't have nearly as much time together.  She tells her friends how much she loves being on a team with her mom.  

    Some of my best memories are of taking her to trick or treat my customers on Halloween through the years.  She would come home with a pumpkin full of coins, snacks, staplers, misc office treats.  From a business stand point, having my daughter with me also helped build relationships with customers.  

    She has gotten a lot of practical business acumen from going to work with me.  Enjoy any chance you have to include your child in your life at home & work!  =)

  9. I teach college and have my own office, so I have taken my kids with me at times.  I found this worked best when they were able to find something to do for themselves.  For instance, when they were in elementary school I would sometimes bring them in for a few hours if I had to work on their days off. They brought homework or other activities for themselves.  I sometimes let them help me with non-confidental jobs, such as sorting my class handouts or putting books away, but not surprisingly, that didn't interest them for long.  It wasn't an ideal arrangement - I'm sure they would have had more fun at home.

    I also brought them when they were infants and slept a lot.  When they became more active,  it didn't work unless I had a sitter in the office with me.  The toddler years - forget it.  You won't get anything done if they are there, so you may as well stay home.  

  10. Yes, I did used to bring my daughter to work at my office when she was a baby.  It was not for fun, it was cuz I had to.  She was little, and slept and ate most of the time, so she didn't care if it was fun or not.  As she got older, she definitely got bored being there with me.

  11. I take my 16 month old to the office with me at least once a week.

    She likes to wander around from office to office, discovering new things.  She likes to sit on my lap when I type or play with my drawers and other things on my desk.

    The down side is that she won't nap while she's here so it makes for a long day.

  12. Yes a couple of times. Because the babysitter's kids were sick, so he couldn't go there. He's only 22mo, so no he didn't have fun or learn a lot. LOL

  13. a couple of times, on very slow days we worked half a day like holidays when daycare is closed and gramma is not in town.

    Or when its slippery out and I'll come straight to work instead of running around to sitters.

    Very seldom.

    She liked it cuz she got to play on computer.

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