
Parent problems. any advice???

by  |  earlier

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alright get ready fro a compicated story. when i got pregnant i told my foster parents about it. even though i havn't lived with them in over a year we consider each other a family and i love them as my real family.

my dad took the attitude that what was done was done and we should move forward. he was happy for me when i told him how excited i was. but my mother hates me for it. she knows that i can't finacally support a child. i knew that to. that's why i put it up for adoption. but she got in my face and yelled at me and told me i would never be a good parent and taht i wasn't doing enough to take care of my child.

i got mad and left. i havn't talked to my family in months and i really miss them. i just went through my birthday without anybody for the first time and it sucked. but i have no idea how to talk to my mother.

does anybody have any idea how to make this better???




  1. You may just break the ice!

  2. stop expecting help from her and be a good mom to ur kid

  3. Maybe she had some problems with her own mom.

    I'm sorry that you had to go through with that. =[

    She wasn't very mature about it. So what you made a mistake? You're giving it up for adoption. You're trying to make things better, and everyone makes mistakes.

  4. wow i'm so sorry about that =( as bad as u feel, i'm sure she is feeling ten times worse for telling you those things. So that is something she will have to live with for the rest of her life. Maybe u shold call her and just see how they are doing and hope that from there she has the courage to appologize for telling you those things.

    Alot of times parents are just so upset and say the worst things. when my bro's gf was preg she told them to get an abortion! Thats not like her at all!! Well, they didnt, and they had him. he is now 3 months and since day 1 my mom feel in love with her grandson. I'm just saying, they say things and regret later.

  5. why did you go through ur birthday without anyone? where was the father of the child and your friends?

    i can understand how low you must have must ahev been really depressing for you.

    coming to the main point. probably the reason why your mother got angry at you was becasue she did not want u to put up the child for adoption. sure she thought that u werent financially prepared fora  child..but givign the baby up for adoption isnt the solution. if u have bought the baby in the world, take the responsibility adn take care of it yourself..earn for be there fro your child coz no one can love your child more than you can! im sure ur parents would help you to bring up the child...just ask them for their support..see what they say..if they dont want to help you raise the child, then fine, do it sure ur eductaed..use your eductaion, your contats to geta  job and trya dn take care of your is is not denying that..but your parents will be proud of you that you are taking the responsibilty and not just passing the child away to strangers...

    ask the father of the child to support you...this time you must be very fragile.ou need support..even to raise a baby you need SOME help..gather the courage adn speak to your parentsa dn ask them to be by your side at this time. parents will love you the most.

    And yes..

    Belated Hapyy Birthday :)

  6. e-mail her and tyr telling her how u fell and also say tht wat has happened has happened........lets move on

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