
Parent rights are terminated still have to pay child support until adoption is final how do you find know?

by  |  earlier

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thetsupport is being paid every month and has been since day one. How do we find out if he is getting it or is adopted now no one getting it




  1. Once a parent's rights have been terminated they are no longer reponsible for child support. They will still owe any outstanding arrears or fees up to the date of termination.

  2. If the child is a ward of the state and the state has paid a foster parent/agency/anyone to care for the child the birth parent is responsible for the "care" of that child up until the adoption.  Therefore, if you had a child in foster care for 2 years then the adoption took place the state has rights to require you to pay child support to the state for the 2 years in which the child was not adopted.

    Now if your child is just placed in custody/guardianship and no longer considered a "foster child" the birth parents must pay the guardianship child support if they file for it.  It is as if you are just paying another parent.

  3. Pay it. Its about your child. Just make sure its going or went toward the care of your child.

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