

by  |  earlier

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im tired of looking at my parents and thinking everythings okay. because i know its not and it tears me up. whenever they come home late from work all exausted and they barely communicate with eachother anymore. my dad cooks and hes usually cleaning the house because my moms always working and she comes home even laterr than late. to me they always look troubled about work and my mom has to deal with my grandma who is seriously sick..but today,this day i saw when she came home she had tears in her eyes and i saw she was trying to act happy when i came to say hi. my dad was mad like always because hes hungry and he wants to eat but he has to wait till mom gets home. and each time my mom would ask him something he wouldnt respond.. so after dinner i came into my room and started sobbing and crying but i hope it wasnt too loud. its just really anoying to deal with it everday. i wish they loved eachother more but they fight alot and my dads so greedy and gets mad way too much. and if he does something wrong and you try to correct him nicely or say "dad can u try doing this? or can we do it some other way?"and he gets pissed off.




  1. I'm sorry to hear your going through this, I feel for you because my parents divorced not too long ago. The thing is, there is nothing you can do to make your parents love each other more. That is their problem, not yours. However, you can talk to them and tell them how much this is bothering you. Perhaps they don't even know that your emotionally hurting. I hope everything works out for you hun.

  2. One thing you can do is sit down with each of your parents, either separately or together and tell them how it feels for you with how things are.  Chances are they are so upset themselves with how things are going, they are not able to realize what it's like for you.  Know that you are not alone, millions of us have gone through what you are going through, and I know that doesn't really help, but it's true.

  3. Sit down with both parents at the same time and tell them how you FEEL.    Ask them to talk to you about what is going on between them.  Tell them that you want them both to make a commitment to you to do their very best to work things out.  Tell them you want all of you to be in a win-win-win situation.  You're a family.  Families stick together and help each other no matter what.  Family counseling may help.  But as Dr. Phil says, if they want out (as in divorce) they have to EARN their way out.  

  4. First you have to realize it's your parents relationship. You can't change how they feel. Maybe just write each of them a little note. I love you today, I'll love you tomorrow, my heart is breaking because I don't understand everything you are feeling so much stress but please remember then say what you have from your heart. Maybe you could have a meal ready for them. Set up a little something for them. Follow your heart and go from there.  

  5. Your parents are stressed. Sometimes it hard when you are so stressed out in life, to show love to your partner. Your mom is dealing with her mother, and the demands of a job.Your dad the same. They may still love each other but are going through a hard time. Just because they act mad towards each other doesn't mean there isn't love there. I am sure you have a friend. No matter how mad you may get you still have a big amount of love for that person? Sometimes you may even get madder because you expect more because you think of them so highly? Just try and be there for your mom and dad. I hope things get better.
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