
Parental consent...?

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How can I convenes my parents that different racist should be allowed to date?

Example: a white girl and a black boy, or a white boy and a black girl (they think it's wrong for them to date)

How do I change their mind on this? btw almost everyone where I live thinks this way, and the ones how don't are scared to speak up and say they disagree. And DON’T SAY my parents are mean, racism or whatever (I love them both very much!).




  1. i don't think they're racist as much as they are just the old ways. My parents are the same way. I'm a 17 year old girl and i wanted to date an Asian boy. He was my best friend for a year before we started dating and when we started dating my parents exloded. But you just gotta remember live in a different time then our parents grew up in. when our parents grew up outer racial/religious dating just wasn't done. You just can't let your parents decide for you, date who you want to, date who your heart tells you to.

  2. well they are racist.. otherwise you would not be on here asking how to get them to change their minds.. once they have their mind set on what they feel is wrong or right- it would be very hard to change that. all you can do is talk to them. it might work- or it might not.

  3. Well it depends, are u in love with him and its ur life u choose who u want to date and if he's the right one for u.

  4. Go for it and they might change their mind. If you love the guy then it doesn't matter what anyone thinks!

  5. I do not think it would be right to criticize your parents or call them something that they might not neccessarily be.

    Everyone has their different views on dating. I do not see why you need to convince them that it is ok to date the other race unless you are planning or going to date someone of the other race. If this is the case, I would calmly sit down with both of your parents and have a conversation in a civilized way. Tell them how you  really feel about it and if their is a special guy that is of the other race show them that he is a great guy. If your parents still disagree with you, then obey and respect their rules. believe me disobeying them will get you nowhere in life.

  6. im not gonna say anything mean about your parents

    are you asking because you want to date outside your race?

    if so just mention how that person make s you happy and the good qualities that you can see

    its hard to change peoples minds about race issues because you have to consider what the world was like when they were growing up and people get very set in their ways

  7. Honey, your parents might be nice but they are racist. It's not about the color of a persons skin, it's about their beliefs and personality. I've met horrible white people, and I've met horrible black people. I've also met wonderful black people, and wonderful white people. Your parents need to get out of the 50s and get in the real world.

  8. sit them down

    and have a serious conversation with them

    get them to give you good logical reasons y u shouldn't

    because there aren't any than u should stump  them

    then go ahead with it

  9. The only advice I have for you is to be strong. If no one is willing to accept interracial relationships then they'll be on the defensive. They'll say hurtful things, etc. If you're in one then you and your parnter will just have to bear it. As far as your parents go, some families have different ideas on whats right and whats wrong...if your opinion differs then stand up. Don't take a backseat to something you feel is right.

  10. personally, i don't think that your parents are racist, prejudice yes but, racist no. honestly, you can not change your parents mind or opinions about interracial relationships. if you want to date outside your race then just do it, you can not help who you like or who you fall in love with. also, your parent can not stop you from dating who ever you want. so do what make you happy because, at the end you parents would still love you no matter what.

    good luck:)

  11. tbh...

    i can;t really see what's wrong with it.

    the best way to change there minds, (if it can be done at all) is to ask them for any logical reason, over than because i said so.

    tbh i am biased, im half cast, so obviously, i don't see any harm in interacial relationships

  12. i dont think there really is a way to get them to change their minds, they have the right to their own opinion, whether or not you agree with it.  If you are looking into getting into a relationship that they will disapprove of you will just have to tell them that there is nothing they can do about it

  13. i've always thought it was wrong.

  14. You have to talk to your parents otherwise they're not going to know what you want. Just explain how you feel. You can tell them that maybe it was looked down upon when they were younger but you don't see anything wrong in it. Also, ask them why they think it's wrong, if they're racist just explain that you don't see anything wrong with other races. If you would like to date someone from another race just tell them. You could say "mom, dad, i know you have some issues with different races dating but i see nothing wrong in it and i would like to go out with someone from another race." All you can do is talk to them and let them know where you stand.
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