
Parental control, take home nanny. Do they highlight american kids true behaviour?

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i have been watching shows like parental control, take home nanny and noticing the wild behaviour of celeb teens and youth. I notice that these children behave extremely badly and the parents either stand back and blame others or condone their children's behaviour. I wanted to know are american kids that bad and disrespectful to parents and adults or is it a ploy by the media to just entertain people by highlighting a small sector of american kids.




  1. i think its a ploy by the media to just entertain people by highlighting a small sector of american kids.

    lets take me for example.

    i have pretty much the most freedom a child could have with their parents

    but i didn't take advantage of it and behave badly and all that jazz.


    im sure there are kids in OTHER countries AS WELL that behave just like the children on those shows

  2. I honestly expected everyone to say that all teenagers are brats, just like the ones on those shows (that seems to be the opinion of a lot of people). I was so glad to see that that was not the case.

    It's true that there are teens (in every country, not just the U.S.A.) who behave this way. It isn't the norm, however. I have known far more teenagers (myself among them) who cringe at seeing that sort of behavior than who display it.

    Now I'm not sure what your mom defines as talking back, if it means disagreeing with them, then I am proud to say that I've done that. But as far as being disrespectful, I act respectful towards everyone, but I respect my parents more than just about anyone else in this world. They deserve a thousand times over.

  3. I think it's mostly entertainment.

    I don't think American kids are that bad, on average.

    But watching those kids makes me feel like my kids are angels!!  =)

  4. Most of us are pretty respectful to our parents. Teens can be a little angsty, but its just a phase.

  5. Hello there!  I am a nanny (American) and have worked with children for several years.  Shows like Super Nanny, etc., make me furious because it is SOOOO easy to raise well-behaved children.  Except for the few rare cases, the way a child acts directly reflects parenting.  No, not all American children are crazy, cuss, and treat people/parents disrespectfully.  But, unfortunately, there are many people who need to take parenting classes!...To my credit: the last two children I nannied for would throw tantrums in front of their mom and dad.  The oldest tried to test me over and over again.  But once both of them saw that this behavior was not acceptable in my presence, it immediately stopped.  When the parents would come home, the girls would flip complete 180's because the parents never took my disciplining advice.  Their mom would say how hard it is to take them out in was a piece of cake for me.    

  6. Sadly, it's becoming more and more the "norm".  Parents won't discipline their kids and the teachers aren't allowed to discipline them.  My brother's kids are brats because he would rather be their friend than their parent.  I've seen plenty of these bratty kids in public and it's disgusting.  There is more to raising kids than plopping them in front of the TV and turning them loose in the streets to play.

  7. Well shows like Parental control are very scripted..I am not sure about take home nanny--but that show is meant to highlight the bad behavior so that is all you see. Not all children are disrespectful...I hope you dont categorize our children by silly shows like that ♥

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