
Parental problems with dating?

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my parents can never respect any of my decisons when it comes to dating a person. they always find the worst when it comes to my boyfriends. they seem to think that i can do way better and that i pick the lowest of the lowest, when the truth is, all i'm trying to do is find the one person that they will actually accept.

tonight, my mom was spying on my phone conversation between me and my best friend. she found out that i was planning to go to the movies with her and one of her guy friends, and i was going to to bring a guy that i've been talking to and meaning to get together with. when my mom asked me who it was, she was astounded for many of her so called reasons. one, he's older than i am by three years. but i'm very mature for my age, and from dating many different people, have learned that i tend to get along better with people older than i am. then she got worked up about how she thought she knew his family, how she thought they were gross, how i was a liar for not telling her, that i was sneaky, and that i couldn't go.

i was mad because i think she needs to give me more space. i wasn't going to tell her because i knew she wouldn't approve, but at the same time, what is the worst that could happen? i would be in a public place with two close friends. not only that, but after i got to know him, i wanted her and my dad to meet him, if i liked him. i didn't want him to come over to meet them when i wasn't sure of him yet myself..but my mom doesn't seem to understand that.

i don't know what to do. i want to go tomorrow, and she is talking about taking everything away from me because she thinks that i cannot be trusted. she won't even let me go with just a friend of mine, its ridiculous. i never lied to her, i was planning on telling her, i just needed time to. i need some help on making her understand me? i've basically told her all these things, but i feel like she isn't listening, or just doesn't care about what i have to say.

i'm seventeen. how do i talk to her in an adult way? so that she will listen to me and give me another chance? =( please help.




  1. okay 1, your 17, he's 3 years older, thats 20, thats ilegal. its just ur parents, and ur a girl, they'll never approve, or like whom you date. it just shows, that your not they're baby girl anymore, your all grown up, and really and truly some parents just cant accept that! it sux i no, hunny, my parents, never really was O.K. with the fact i dated, but they just let me, they cant stop u, but dnt have too like it, but its nature, its something you were put on earth to do, keeping u locked away, just takes away wut ur meant to be. u just have to explain to ur parents, ur not a baby, and they need to stop treating you like one

    also, this guy is older, maybe too older, its illegal to date/hook up with him. so i think its best she didnt let u go wit him

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