
Parenting laws ?

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Me and my mom are having an interesting convo about this, are parents allowed to make a child sleep in the yard with a disciplinary reason? i mean even if you have a disciplinary reason, are they allowed to do this? Because law states that the parents MUST provide food, shelter, & clothing until the child is eight-teen. Another question, are the parents allowed to send the child to bed without being fed, and they have a "disciplinary reason" for this? Although the law states that the parents must provide food? please leave THOUROUGH answers!




  1. As far as making a child sleep in the yard...why would anyone do that? What is the point...if most kids are like my kids the kid would probably like it and think it was an adventure. As far as legalities..I couldn't tell you. I know camping outdoors is not illegal so I would say there is no particular law preventing a parent from doing this as long as it's not freezing outside.If it is freezing then that would be child neglect and THERE ARE laws against that. Sending a kid to bed without dinner is just ignorant...AGAIN what point does it serve? But I would say there is no law against it since  missing just 1 meal will not send a kid into starvation mode.

  2. I don't think it is legal to make your child sleep outside, does that not strike you as creul and immoral. I have heard of parents not feeding their children for disipline reasons, but never making them sleep outside. I don't personally agree with either as i think it is just a form of child abuse, and i am sure it isn't legal.

  3. What you are describing sounds more like a form of child abuse/neglect not discipline.  I have two foster siblings that have been adopted by our family for similar circumstances.  (Inability to nourish and protect child properly)

  4. I doubt that this is illegal. It sounds a bit more like discipline than abuse. First, they aren't beating on them and this may be the only way they've found to make a kid listen. I mean, I can picture the scenario. "If you don't like the rules in the house, then sleep outside."  Can't behave at the table, then go to bed" These are things that happened in every family I knew of. And there would be no laws broken here.

  5. I do not agree with it being child abuse, because every child is different.There are some kids that are just so defiant that sometimes a parent has to take more drastic disciplinary actions toward them..........When you have a kid who will not do his homework,pick up his room,or anything else that needs to be done,and insists that they are "leaving"to go play,and they run out of the house at 6:00,or even 8:00,I think the best way to "discipline" them for that is to lock the door and make sure they sit out side for awhile in the dark,and theory is Yes...........its legal,if it is strictly for discipline,theres a difference between that and neglect...........

  6. I'm not even going to answer the first question because who would do that?

    But as to going to bed without food: i'm not sure if its legal or not but I know that my mother told me stories of how her parents would send her to bed without dinner as a lesson, or a disciplinary reason...No harm would really come of that. Of course a stomach growl or two, but the child can always eat in the morning..
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