
Parents, I have a big question for you - what do you regret most as a parent?

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Whether it was something you said to your kid, the way you handled a situation, something you did, something you didn't do.... what exactly was it? Tell me whatever you're comfortable with, I won't judge, I just want to know more into parents minds, I guess.




  1. so far not being able to give my daugher more If you knew me you would be shoked by this . I am very humble and dont want a lot. Before we got marrried my husband had alot of debt and we are still trying to get rid of it , We live in a trailer I HATE!! I am very bitter about this and cry when he is gone.

  2. i had my daughter when i was 18, so pretty young. i was a very good mother and also very generous with other people. anytime aunts, grandmas, my sisters, my brother, my friends etc. would ask to have her for a night or a couple of hours (after 8 or 9 months of course) i would allow it. even then. i would get upset after a few hours and be so mad that they were taking her away from me, and my time with her. what i REGRET is not opening my mouth about it and saying "no" this might sound petty, but it actually backfired on me. because i allowed this, a couple of them got real close to her and started making decisions that only a mother should make. first haircut, enrolling her in dance. i started to speak up as these things started happening, but it still tries to rear it's ugly head now and she is 13. (especially with my ex hubbys mother)- at the time i only was doing it because she had fun going to see new places and new people and it was good for her. but it still is something i never made the mistake of doing again.

  3. i regret a lot i had really not so great parents who did not parent me at all so i had really no parent skill to follow after! i basically raised my first two sons like lil brothers and my third i kinda had the hang of it and was a better parent and my julien who is now five gets most of mommies attention so the more kids i have the better i get at it!lol but i have had personal talks with my kids and i told them about my childhood and how i know I'm not the greatest parent but i love them and i will always try to see their side! i am now pregnant with my first girl and nervous as heck but I'm sure i will be find God willing :)

  4. My biggest regret is not going to church with them.  They have always gone every week (or almost every week), but I'm Agnostic (husband is Catholic, they go to Baptist) and we don't attend with them.  

    I wish I had, then when I come off as "preachy" I wouldn't sound like such a hypocrite.  lol  I could also force them into going when they don't feel like it if it was something the whole family did every week without question.

  5. I wish I had avoided getting my kids involved in organized sports. Looking back it was mainly about the parent's egos. I should have spent the time and money on hiking and camping and family centered trips. These are the memories we remember. The sports become an expensive rat race.

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