
Parents, a child sticking other children with a needle?

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They said it was an insulin needle that the child found outside of her school and she went around sticking her fellow classmates with the needle. The school only notified the parents of the children who were stuck with the needle. They sent a letter saying that the child was stuck with "a sharp object".

Don't you think that there should have been a letter sent out to all students' parents? Why couldn't DOE say that the child was stuck with a needle instead of "sharp object"? What type of punishment should the child that did the deed get? If it was your child that got stuck and she contracted an STD from the needle, what would you do?




  1. I think the word needle definitely should have been stated because you need to get your kid checked out after something that serious.

    Thats HUGE...even finding a needle near a school is huge.

    Depending on how old the child is, I'd like to see them suspended for an amount of time. As mommy of 3 said... I really think the age should be considered.

    If my kid contracted a disease I have no idea what i'd do! But they'd be taken out of that school.

  2. Just reading this is ENRAGING. If this happened to one of my children, not only would I be sick with worry, I would go to the news and anybody else that would listen. What a joke for the school to release such a misleading letter. I would pull my child out immediately due to lack of trust alone. The child that did this- depends on the age. Elementary? Counseling and suspension. Middle or high? Expulsion and criminal charges.

  3. wow,what a public relations job! "sharp object" sounds like the kid poked the others with a pencil or a stick,not a needle.the parents should be told.those kids will need an hiv baseline test now,and other tests at 3 and six months to test for development of hiv antibodies.the schoolis afraid of a lawsuit,but it would be much worse if one of the kids develops hiv and the story comes out l8r,and its obvious the school tried to cover up/ a nurse,if i received an acidental needle stick,im required by law to be tested immediately,then at 3 and 6 months.the children should be tested too-if god forbid they have hiv,the sooner its caiught and treated,the better the outcome.dont panic-it probably wont happen,but it is a possibility and should not be swept under the rug.

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