
Parents, did you know that you can help keep your parental rights?

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If you are a parent, or even soon to be, than you should read this Parental Rights Amendment to Congress! It is self explanatory and very important that parents take action and support it. We need to stand up to the states and the government.

Please read this and I hope all will sign it. You don't have to be a parent either. Please take a few minutes and read everything before you sign this. Thanks everyone!

At the bottom of this page, there is a link in light blue that reads, " Read the Annotated Version." Read this too!




  1. Thank you for bringing this site to my attention; I have been worried about this and California had me scared with it being recently in the news about parent's rights.

  2. Sorry, but I dont get it.  The wording sounds like a carte blanche okay for children to be more abused than they may have been under current guidelines.

  3. I don't like Big Brother trying to play parent.  I'm all for parents rights that do not harm any child.

    In ancient Rome, the father of the house had the right to feed, clothe, or even kill his own children.  Rome may have been many things but it had very polite teens.

  4. I support the concept that the family grouping is very important, and that the parents do have very broad rights to direct the growth of the members of their immediate family.

    There are obvious places where exceptions must be made, such as failure to supply proper nutrition as required by the human body, or the promulgation of provably incorrect education (popular opinion or politics is NOT proof of correctness!!), and provably damaging physical conditions.

    I believe that, as with our Constitution, the truth will be self-evident.  And I believe, as with our Constitution, the government's role in matters of personal conscience and action should be limited.

    We have plenty of demonstrations of what NOT to do, and precious few of what TO do, unfortunately.  But maybe we should bring back the Pledge to the Flag, and discuss exactly what it says, and what that means for public living.

    And maybe the History of various Nations should be taught, since it impacts on what both governmental and citizen actions cause to happen historically.

    Just some thoughts, but I think if we are to err, individual rights should be preserved.  As I read somewhere, my freedom to move my fist ends where your nose begins; and I think this is a good general guiding philosophy, both for citizens and governments alike.

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