
Parents, do you think it's okay to lie about where meat comes from?

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I still resent my mom for promising to me in absolute terms that hamburgers, sausages, meatballs, and the like all grew on trees and plants just like vegetables and fruits.




  1. No, just be honest.  They will learn the truth eventually and then they will be mad at you for lying.

  2. i couldnt lie to my children especially about what they eat =(

  3. no i think it's terrible. kids are naturally curious adn ask about these things and parents always lie about it so as not to inconvenience themselves. it's terrible. i have every intention of letting my kid know what meat is. if he wants to eat it atleast he'll know what he's eating.

  4. For sure not. If a parent starts lying to his/her children he signals that the children ultimately cannot trust him/her, and that it is ok to lie.

    It doesn't matter what the matter is about but really it is important to make sure that the kids feel safe with their parents.

  5. no

  6. Even though your mom's answer to you was odd she was trying to protect you. Young children shouldn't be shown the horrors of the meat industry at a very young age. Parents should always answer their children's questions in an age appropriate way. To a young child who asks about hamburgers, the answer "they come from cows." is age appropreate.

  7. Heck no.  If you have to lie to your kids about where your food comes from you shouldn't be eating it.

  8. I really do not think it is OK.

    I am a vegan but I grew up on a farm in Europe, I personally saw my father slaughter pigs and my grandfather wring the necks of chickens, and for years I felt it was totally fine and normal, they just taught me that it's a part of life, yadda yadda.

    I came to America assuming that all animals lead a good life up until a short painful death, like my family's farm, but I was wrong. I can't even encourage ignoring the twisted state of factory farming today.

  9. I lie to my kids about everything...   Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, God and many, many more myths.

  10. We were vegetarians for past 6 years. My kids (5yo, 9yo) became vegan by themselves after seeing how the meat and by-products are really "created". This fenomena only will happen by conscience and intuition by teaching our kids the basic "vegetarianism and non-violence" as a stepping stone.

    Kids those love fishing, abusing pets and ignorants are less likely to understand the fundamental of mercy and compassion, because kids are not born naturally with those factors, but being taught and conditioned.

    For your case, the fenomena is very natural. Fow an example, if you put a baby in a basket with a rabbit and an apple, this kid is LESS LIKELY will eat the rabbit & play with the apple!

  11. no. they have the right to know.

  12. I'm not a parent, but I want to adopt a baby in a few years (long story) If they ask me where meat comes from, I'm not going to lie because he's/she's going to find out some time.. They have a right to know what they are eating. and also, I would never force my kid to be a vegetarian. its their choice

  13. it's better to tell them right from the start.we have a deer processing business the kids have always been around and as much as they like to look at deer,(we all do) they know how it gets from a dead deer to a steak.and although they won't eat venison,they know what all meat is and they put it out of their mind like we all do.No shock factor they are kind to animals in case you were wondering

  14. Not lying but more like hidden truth. Hidden until as a parent, you decide that it's time for them to learn about it. That they can handle it emotionally and mentally. I don't lie to my kids.But I don't go out of my way to tell them about things they don't have the capacity to understand because of their age.

    You don't teach 3-8 year olds about oral s*x and condoms and such do you? Why make the distinction when it comes to meat? Do you allow your kids to watch p**n? Graphic violence? Death scenes? Sexuality is a reality, so is violence so is death.

    I detect double standards are being applied u here


    Don't turn children into adults before their time. That will happen soon enough. Let them enjoy their childhood and the innocence/freedom that goes with it.

    Just in case you want to know, my kids,  ages 8, 9 and 12 respectively, know where their comes from. ALL foods not just meat. They are even aware of the fact that other people (our farm workers) harvested it or butchered it for them. I exposed  them because they will inherit it all one day and I want them to know about it as much as possible. My 12 year old daughter also apprectices in our restaruant

  15. no dont lie, it'll just make your kids hate you more, my parents never left me curse or for that matter even say suck, but why?you know that your kids curse when your not there i leave my kids curse because i know that they curse when they are w/ their friends, so whats the sence of not letting them curse when i'm around?

    but anyway no dont lie just tell them that it comes from piggies and cows and chickens and turkeys, tell um the truth

    exstf- ------>You don't teach 3-8 year olds about oral s*x and condoms and such do you? Why make the distinction when it comes to meat? Do you allow your kids to watch p**n? Graphic violence? Death scenes? Sexuality is a reality, so is violence so is death.<------ well if its in movies then yes i'm not gona say ok look away kids because to people are gona kiss, or ohh look away kids because someones gona get eaten by  a bear

  16. The truth is the best policy. We have never lied to our kids about it. One is a vegetarian the other two eat meat. The vegie makes sure the other two know,but they don't seem to care :)

  17. it is not ok.... if u lie they will one day find out that where meats originally come from and they will lose ur trust

  18. u should tell them da truth when they r 4 or 5 yearz old. trust me. da more younger they learner da truth da more they will understand life...

  19. no, cause that would just emberress the child to death when he goes into school and claims hamburgers grow on trees.

    i think its wrong though anyways, thats one more lie to add to the total

  20. I think that parents should not lie about where meat comes from. I mean sooner or later your child will learn where meat comes from on their own. Plus, children need to decide for themselves whether or not they want to eat cows, chicken, pig,  etc. I hope this helps!!!

  21. no, never.

    You would tailor the description to a young child, but once someone is mature enough they should know about the food chain processess.

    How else could they make informed decisions ?

    Your mums choices show a distinct level of immaturity, but she probably was only doing her best so "resentment" is a bit hard.

  22. absolutely not, the lies can change their lives drastically.

  23. Wow. Nice mother. No, it's never okay to lie about something like that. Santa and the Tooth Fairy bring magic to a child's life, trees do not bring meat.

  24. i was told that we only ate animals that grew up on a farm, and died of old age

    my dad dear hunts, when i was little i was told he only shot the old, sick dear

    needless to say i was very angry and sad when i found out the truth

    no it is not ok

  25. That is one of the most terrible things I have ever heard!

    No it is not okay to lie to your children....if my child asks then I answer (at least to the best of my knowledge) child knows what kinds of food gets put on his plate and yes, he knows what type of meat comes from what animal.....I couldn't imagine a parent lying about something like that! That is horrible!

  26. I definitely don't believe it's ever okay to like about anything (to kids especially). I see no point in lying, especially when you know it'll be found out! If my parents had lied to me about that (as they have about a lot of other stuff), I would probably have been a vegetarian at a much younger age. I'd also ask to visit the places they "grew" the meat. LOL They do this because they think you'll forget what they said before you can yell at them for lying to you.

  27. why BS your kids on something as common knowledge as the food chain

  28. Lying to children is almost always a bad idea. Sometimes kids are too young to understand something, so one can give them an abridged explanation with the promise, if necessary, that a fill-in will follow in due time.

  29. no always be honest with your children.they will then feel comfortable talking to you when it comes to more important issues.

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