
Parents, do you think your teens are 'angels'?

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As in not getting drunk, doing drugs, having s*x, etc. Not saying all teens do all of this. But..?




  1. hahahahha thank God i don't have any yet...but i know i will soon since my son is 9..but i sure don't want to be one of those blind parents that thinks there kids are angels and their really not

  2. nop, but as the eyes of a parent they are

  3. i'm not a parent, but i know a lot of them do.  even though their kinds are the worst.

  4. I don't think they do those things, but I wouldn't say that makes them angels.

  5. teenage years ..those are the times to experiment and learn about life...if am to make a mistake i would rather do it now than as an adult....not that am out looking for trouble,but at least relationship wise

  6. no teens are angels. i have 2 teenagers. 17 yr old girl and a 16yr old boy. neither do drugs or drink not saying they never have but i know they dont cause as a parent that knows what is out there i do drug test on them. i think both of my kids have had s*x.  but i taught them what safe s*x was. and taught them to think highly of them selves if they want others to think that way of them.  as parents we guide them and hope they do right

  7. okay i know im not a parent of a teen, but i am a parent. i was a teenager recently and although many parents dont believe any kid could be able to say this honestly- i HONESTLY have never tried drugs or ciggaretts. only reason ive tried alchohol was cause my dad offerd it to me and i dont like it. had it about 3 times my whole life and im about to be 21. also, as for s*x: i was an "angel" minus the attitude, but becuase i hadnt tried anything, i had a boyfriend and i had believed id wait till marriage but i didnt. and everyone thought it would be my sister to have a baby first cause she was the one who was "bad" and everything, but I DID. im married 3 years to him now, but im still and"angel" to my parents.

  8. Well, I don't think they are angels, by any means.  They can be a bit self-absorbed, they are messy and seem to think that the Laundry Fairy was created just for them. On the other hand, they are both extremely smart, focused with goals and take their schoolwork very seriously

    However, I am VERY certain that drugs and alcohol have not been a part of their teenage years.  Neither of them can stand to be around smokers, and both are very clear that they think that drugs are stupid.  They know the kids that use them, and frankly, neither one of them are the party-all-night sort.  My son actually declined to go to a graduation party where he knew the parents were providing beer -- about 30 people went with the express purpose of getting completely smashed.  He just shrugged and said, "It didn't really sound like much fun", and picked a different party.

    As far as s*x, we have talked about s*x and consequences for YEARS. They have never been afraid to ask me questions, and I've tried very hard not to be afraid to give them the answers they needed (easier said than done, sometimes.)  When the topic came up recently with regards to a friend's boyfriend who was a serial cheater, the topic came up, and I feel pretty sure that she is keeping it PG-13 rated.  Basically, though, a parent can never know for sure, unless you are following them around 365/24/7 -- the best you can hope for is that you did a good job instilling a sense of values and a sense of self-respect.  After that -- their life is their own.  

  9. hi im a teen and all i think about doing is drinking

    so if your kids are from the ages of 13-21 they plan on partying especially the high school years being there are so many opportunites

    i dont do drugs because i just dont feel like smoking like alot of kids dont and alot of kids have s*x to but most kids drink.

    if you talk to your teen tey will probably deny it but if you give them the drink they probably wont sneak around as much.

  10. My mom thinks I am, but only when she's watching . . . :)

  11. Mine are not angels; but they're good kids.  Of course they've made their share of bad decisions and done things that made me want to tear my hair out. But so far none of them have ruined their lives or done any permanent damage.  They are all happy, doing well in school, and are kind and compassionate people. I'm pretty sure they will survive their teen years and become successful adults (one has already). What more can we realistically ask for?

  12. of course they are.  Because you don't have to worry about perfect kids. Nor do you have to deal with non-existent problems.  

    Seriously I have known about three kids in my life that meet that criteria.  They were born steady and stable.  They were more mature at 14 than most kids are at 20.  They seemed to just understand that life is a process, not an experiment.  They may have played a bit but never so that their actions ended up in public eye.  No pick up for drinking, no fighting, no getting stupid or a guy or gal.  No hard partying.

    Kept their grades high enough that college would not be problem.  Always had good summer or after school jobs.  Responsible.  One is 21, just and has been buying his own condo for two plus years. he is the General Manager of a movie theater and moving up the corporate ladder at a goodly rate.  He is a smart manager and a hard worker.   The other is graduating with a double major next spring and marrying his HS sweetheart a week later.  Goody two shoes? Not necessarily, but whatever part of the brain needs to mature in order that a teen can see life beyond the end of their nose certainly did mature.  They are both off to good starts. They have good work ethics and are not all about ME.  

    There are girls like that too, the calm ones, who get things done, don't hang out in cliches, or gangs.  Don't spend time in 'park.'  They have plans , they develop work ethics young, they are moving ahead and most of them will NOT be getting pregnant in HS because IF they are sexually active (and many are) they are intelligent enough to use birth control properly.  They can see a future past 16, and it does not include being 21 years old with a five year old child and another on the way. And no husband.  Just generous parents who will make sure you have what you need in order to shut you up.

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