
Parents, how far do you let your kids go (ie behavior, sexuality, clothes, etc.& why...?

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This question has been prompted by many senarios but one in particular...

I saw this girl & her mom & bf/bro? walk into the mall. The girl had on these cut-off shorts that were cut so far that the pockets were exposed..eww.




  1. Absolutely not! My children would be sent to military school for dressing like that. Her mother should be slapped.  

  2. Although I've never had this problem with my step daughter (age 14) my general rule is that when standing straight with your hands at your sides the pants/skirt has to be in line with the tip of your middle finger or longer, anything shorter than that is unacceptable. Also as far as miniskirts go, they must be worn with tights or leggings.

    Personally I think that young girls shouldn't be showing off their body so much, they have time for that later they should just be kids while they still can.

    Luckily my step daughter chooses to dress conservatively on her own so I don't have to constantly be on her about it

  3. Maybe the Mum had tried to get the daughter to change her clothes and she wouldn't. I believe that you should let kids express themselves as much as possible without hurting themselves or others. It is a phase and it will pass, if you constantly are at them they will carry on for longer, My mum let me learn lessons like this...........I had to wear a school uniform that I hemmed way too high....she didn't not utter a word, I realised I couldn't do anything and let the hem down to a better level. If she had of nagged me I would have left it just to get at her.

    I would not let my daughter leave the house like that without saying something about her *** hanging out though.........but as a parent you can only do so much.

  4. d**n no offense but if that waz my daughter  i wouldnt even let her out the house like dat

  5. I would not let my kid dress like a ho,sorry.

  6. my father used to rip up clothes that he didn't approve of and/or force me to return them... the girl you saw in the mall dressed like a w***e, how did her mother look?!!!!!....

  7. Yeah, that is just bad. It's obvious that the mother that you're talking about just wants to be a part of her daughter's friend circle. That's pathetic. I would never let my daughter act or dress in a way that was clearly suggesting malicious things about her.

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