
Parents, what would you think if someone engaged you child in a conversation?

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How young would they half to be?

What if they were a neighbor, someone at work (where you shop)?

Would you get mad?

At work I dont talk to kids (parents seem not to mind me talking to them) but I keep my distance.




  1. it aint gonna happen... unless I wanted to know from a child about an accident or something major... but if I am talking to another adult and a child want to but in no... becauyse kids are starting to get to confortable talking to adult the way they want to and thats not adult who wants to talk my child needs to talk to me first unless its important and the adult which the child has to know need to know something ASAP... but youre not gonna talk to my child as if shes an adult haveing a grown up conversation with my child ....NO

  2. If i am there with them I figure the person is just trying to be friendly. If I'm not there I really have to wonder. Of course, sometimes I wonder anyway because there are perverts out there. But then, this is why I am very careful with my kids and keep a close eye on them anyways, isn't it? (one of the reasons anyway)

  3. If I was right there, I would not give it a second thought (depending on the conversation I guess)

  4. your smart.but the age is an important factor.12 or less the parents should be asked.if its o.k.

  5. If I was close by, I would not think anything of it.

  6. As long as I was there with them I would just think that the person was trying to be nice.

  7. My son is usually the one to start it. It doesn't bother me as long as they are not getting personal i.e. where do you go to school, do you live around here, then i stop the conversation.

  8. I would be delighted if someone engaged my child in conversation if I was there and the conversation was appropriate.

    So many times today we talk around our children instead of to them. No wonder GenerationY has their own language and hobbies and attitudes and texts each other instead of engaging others in the world around them -- unlike previous generations they were not taught to speak to adults and others and adults were afraid to talk to them -- fearing their helicopter parents would give them what for.

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