
Parents, without even feeling, can you see your childs neck glands? my sons 4, i can see his & im worried

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my sons 4 and healthy, active, hungry, non tired ect

but i can see his neck glands in his neck without even feeling them

ive felt them and they seem to be around 15 mm long, he isnt sore either, hes thin so im not sure if thats why i can see them poke out a bit [hes healthy weight but his neck has no fat around it]

if you make your childs head tilt back or turn can you see your childs glands too?

i havent been doctor yet as i seem to run there alot as i can be a stresser and my dr has told me to not be a hypochondriac at everything, [i do agree]

but is he normal?,, please check your childs neck if you could, i need reassurance, thanks! xxxxxxxxxx




  1. One tell your doctor to s***w off. Thats your kid.. Your allowed to be scared.

    Granted worrying about things that you have no reason to are a pain..

    But take him to a dr..It doesnt seem normal to be able to see his glands.. Seems like they could be swollen or.. he is underweight...

    Could be nothing at all as well. But to calm your worries go see a doctor.. If you keep worrying your son will pick up on it... and that will make him worried.

    Good Luck

  2. Does he have ANY other symptoms? Even a runny nose or cold?

    Does he seem 'off colour'?

    Does he have a temperature?

    Does the skin over the glands appear red?

    Has he been sick recently?

    Neck glands can swell even with the common cold! Also with an ear ache, scratch on the arm (especially from a cat!), scalp infections, eye infections.... the list goes on.

    The simple answer is that it's COMMON for children's neck glands to become enlarged, especially AFTER an infection.  

    Glands that are swollen and not red are usually nothing to worry about, and will return to normal after 1-2 weeks, when the infection has resolved, but sometimes it can take many months. Talk to your doc if he has swollen glands all over his body.

    My advice is to RELAX. It sounds like he's normal. But if you're still worried, then take him to the doctor. But I think you'd be wasting your time.  

  3. I can't just see my childrens' glands. If you think they are swollen, take him to the pediatrician. If it's nothing, he'll send you home with the reassurance that he's O.K. and if he/she finds a problem, they'll be able to treat it.

  4. I checked my daughters just now (5yo) and cant see any glands when i tilt her head back...BUT

    Dont panic!!

    If he has been sick recently, it can sometimes take a while for the glands to go down.

    Anyways, get him checked and stuff what the doctor says about you being a hypercondriac - hes getting paid for the visit right - so he can shut the h**l up and see your son!

    Better having peace of mind rather than stressing and thinking the worst!

  5. My sons neck is fine but when my daughter was 4 I did notice a gland with out touching it or tilting her head...I did get a ultrasound on it and had blood tests and everything came out fine.

    She is 12 now and it is stil there.

    If you are worried,bugger the hypacondriac title...go and get it checked.

    Which I know you

    I would say he is probabl coming down with know there are many friggin viruses going around at the moment.

  6. take him to a doctor it either he's to skinny, no offense or u need to take hime to the doctor

  7. My son is very skinny but no I cannot normally see them. Normally I can't even feel them when he is sick but lately he has been pretty sick and yeah I could see it. it was the size of a marble. But they should only be inflamed when you are sick. I would go to the doc and ask. They shouldn't be visible if they are well I don't think

  8. Go see a docter and ask him if it is normal.

    Are the supposed "neck glands" oval, and move around? If so they might just be Neck lymphnodes which are norm. jJust check a chart for body lymphnodes.

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