
Parents, would it hurt your feelings if someone called your child ugly.....?

by Guest61289  |  earlier

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I think that I would seriously just laugh incredulously and ask,

"Seriously? Really? Huh, I think you may need to go see someone, because honey you are CRAAAAZY!"




  1. It would hurt me that someone would talk bad about a child like that but all in all I would prbably tell them that even if they think that my children are ugly,my kids will grow out of it...and whats their excuse they're adults and ugly as  h**l!

    Kinda like someone calling a pregnant women fat  I think "Hey I got a baby in here whats your excuse fatty?"

    I dunno I guess I would have to cross that bridge when I get to it...I would probably punch the person in their mouth...just me tho...

  2. it would shatter me and i dont care a d**n about anyone. my child is beautiful in my eyes. u mean u say if u had a lame child you would love him less? c**p u wud neva do that. a child is beautiful in his/her own mother's eyes.

  3. No, I wouldn't be offended because I'd know my child was beautiful. What I'd be offended about was that they had the nerve to say such a thing about my beautiful child.

  4. I would be very upset. I don't like people making bad remarks about my children or even my dogs for that matter. I was really upset when someone told me my dog looked like a devil because it has two different colored eyes.

  5. I would be very offended and probly give that person a dirty look then tell them that they arent perfect either.

  6. I think my son is very cute and if someone told me that I would have to blame it on Jealousy.

  7. It would hurt my feelings, especially if my child heard the comment and it came from an adult.  If it was just a child acting out, it would be a different story and I would blow it off.

  8. Yes. It would that would be pretty mean.

  9. Yeah, I guess.  Everyone has their own opinions.  If someone makes fun of my boy, though, they make fun of the very thing that I live for.  I think it would hurt my feelings quite a bit, and I would probably say something.

  10. It would hurt me A LOT.

    I might laugh it off, or have a snappy comeback, but inside, I would be heartbroken.

  11. At the initial shock of someone saying that, yes, it would, I would want to strike out. But then reality of it would hit, my kids aren't ugly.

  12. of course i would have hurt feelings if someone said that about my children!!

  13. Well, no one would call my kids ugly, but, if they did, I'd tell them they're rude, and need to get some class.

  14. Yes It would offend me very much. I would rather have someone call me ugly then my daughter.

  15. i would reply " oh, i know they  are  not the best lookers but they are so sweet and compassionate  and always looking out for me. I can count on them when I am 64 ! "

    now , which mother can really  reply  back and say, so can mine ?

  16. It would definetely hurt my feelings and I would tell them to go %$&^ themselves.  If I wanted an opinion from an a hole I would f**t.. lmao..

    I am usually very polite.

  17. Yea I would be offended!

  18. I would be bothered if it made my daughter feel bad. If its another kid, I would use it as a life lesson, IE People are going to say that sometimes.

    If it was an adult, I'd get pretty angry. Who says that stuff to kids?

    I'd just explain that some people talk before they think and we shouldn't take them too seriously unless it looks like they're going to hurt someone. Basically, "They're crazy. Lets go."

    Good luck.

  19. i would kill them all childeren are beatuful. also if your son was called ugly he is not he is adorable

  20. I would laugh and think they were jealous. As a matter of fact, if someone told my daughters that to their face- they would laugh, too. They would never believe that. LOL

    Uhm... I would probably still be mad that someone was rude/jealous enough to make a hateful statement of any sort to my kids. But hurt? No.

  21. I wouldn't take offense to the comment itself because i don't feel that way at all about my children.  But the person who made that comment is definitely cruisin' for a bruisin' if they ever said that to my face.

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