
Parents,if your child stolen your car would you have him are her locked up?

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if you don,t have them locked up what is this teaching them its ok to steal something thats not theres.




  1. I would send him to some sort of boarding school.  He sounds as if he needs a lot of help.

  2. Yes, because the next person they steal it from will have them loked up and on charges, I cant stand parents who are like that let their child get away with everything i am 20 and i have watched every person i grew up with get away with murder, and they are eaither murderd now, ran away from home, make stupid choices because they have now consiquences to think about, do what is right

    show them reality take them to the jail

  3. My aunt had my cousin arrested after she stole her car.. but things didn't improve. She ended up getting pregnant. I don't know if this has any significance to the arrest, but it's what happened!

  4. YES!

    That is inexcusable.

  5. Let them spend overnight in jail.  Maybe it'll scare the c**p out of them and they'll actually behave for once.

  6. Well I wouldnt lock my kid up even depending on age kids are kids id just punish them like something they really like take it away or something you know but locking your kid up for taking your car seems to mean and then the kid will never forgive you.

  7. yup call the cops let them teach them a lesson

  8. TAKE everything away. punish to the full extent. please answer my question

  9. depends on what they used it for, or what they did to it. I mean if they were recklessly drinking and driving to just have a good time around town, you should trying dealing with them strictly. Not necessarily having them locked up, but ask a police officer to have a sincere strict talk to them. Children don't always listen to their parents. But if it was just to get somewhere, and they weren't doing anything to harm themselves or others, just explain to them that it was not okay to just take it, and next time if they want to be treated like an adult and use the car, they have to act like one and actually ask to use it.

  10. Well, you can take everything they own away.

  11. i did that once and my aunt cought me and she gave me the worst spanking ever i got spanked on my feet with a switch and spanked with her hand and a wooden spoon on my bare butt in the diper postion

  12. he needs to get turned in. what if he got drunk, stole someone else's car and hit a  child. not only could he get sued but you could also. i know its hard to hurt the ones you love but your protecting him from hurting himself or others severely. what could happen next if you dont?

  13. yes, I would. there are very real consequences for very real actions. if you want to steal a car (reguardless of the fact that it's your parents) then I think you should have to be punished in the court of law. I may be just a harsh parent but what is to happen if my child is to steal my car and then get into an accident and injure or kill someone? I would report my car stolen and then let the police do their job. I'm not going to give my child a slap on the wrist for irresponcible/reckless behavior that could have serious consequences for a lot of people.

  14. My cousins gf at the time, who was 16, did just that.  She stole some of my medications (I am a cancer patient) when she was at the house (I was living with my aunt at the time, as they are the only family I have where I live) and drugged her mom one night.  She and some of her friends took the car out joy riding.  This was not the first time.  She wrecked and totalled the car.  Her mom did press charges, but only because her insurance wouldnt cover if she didnt. (the 16 year old didnt have a license or learners, so was not covered on the insurance, they had to press for stealing the car).  However, she hired this nice fancy lawyer who got her off.  I dont think she got any kind of legal punishment, and I know she didnt get any punishment at home.

    And she is just as crazy today, 2 years later, getting in trouble all over the place.

  15. No, I would never bring the law against my child.  I would have to find another way to teach them.  Maybe you could take away all of their favorite items (like tv, computer, phone, favorite shoes, earrings, etc.) to show them how a person feels when you steal their things.

  16. I would NOT have them locked up. You are thier parent. IF they can not trust you who can they? People make mistakes. You are thier parent..Think of another way to irk them and show them that they DO have consequences for thier actions...but that YOU will make them!

    *If my mom (although she hates me and ..well yeah) had of locked me up I wouldn't ever have truster her in anyway again. (Stupidly enough I did and never should have ever ever though). I just think that there are better ways than jail.

  17. i would for a bit

  18. Yes.  I would call the police and report my car stolen and let them know that I'm pretty sure it was my teenage son or daughter.  Hopefully, the cops would find them before I did.  If they came home before they had got caught by the police, I would still inform them that the car had been returned, but I would like them to pick my child up for the incident.  Depending on if this is a first offense or not would determine if I actually press charges or not.  If they are generally a good kid and this was simply a really stupid judgment call, I'd be happy with them having the scare of their life and would pick them up at the police station.  If they are constantly in trouble though, then I would want them to learn the consequences of their actions by spending some time in juvenile detention.  I am NOT going to bail my kids out of every situation that they get themselves into.  They'll need to learn to be responsible and accountable for their own actions.  Mommy isn't always going to be around to "save them".

  19. 1st off it totally depends on the age of the kid, past history of acting out, or was this some petty event they risked doing.

    I worked in a Juvy Center and see this almost daily.

    Some kids feel no remorse, and just are pissed they got caught. Some kids acted out just to take a risk, Do you remember when you were young and did something risky?

    Always put yourself in their shoes, find out why they did it, who with, and what for. Then decide if you think if you did it growing up, if you should have been punished for it, or did you already learn your lesson by being caught.

    Sometimes the best punishment is not saying anything at all and let them wallow in sorrow with that weight on their shoulders, until they talk to you about it.

    Sometimes it takes a night in Juvy being treated like a criminal to understand the ramifications of what they did.

    It all depends on how you run your household, how your child acts, etc.

  20. BOOT CAMP!!!

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