
Parents,what has been a time/situation/moment that you feel you and your child bonded emotionally?

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I would say the first night i took custody of nieces. We watched movies until about 2;30. We talked and i felt we all really connected.

Thats mine,whats yours?




  1. the first time i held them.  no doubt

  2. working in a house with my dad that was some quailty time spent together alot of memories when i go back to that house  

  3. Through all of the hard times, the times when you just give yourself up to the wonder of it all & the awesome responsibility you've taken on.  

    My husband pointed out that the bonding & attachment doesn't really happen in the fun, happy times when you're going to the zoo or an amusement park - it happens at 3am, when you've been vomitted on a dozen times already & haven't slept for a few days & you're pretty sure you're getting the virus yourself, but you keep on rocking, soothing, cooling the child's forehead & changing their clothes, until they're better.  

  4. The moment they were born and I held them in my arms.  That was it.  There was no going back.

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