
Parents: Are you going to let your daughter?

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go to Homecoming and Prom?

Or are you going to be one of those parents that doesn't allow their daughter to go?

What will your rules be?




  1. of course I will let my daughter go I went to my home coming and prom she will be allowed to have a date but she won't be staying out that late unless she is 18 then I will have no say but I will suggest that she don't drink I hope she will remember everything that her father and I taught her and take that into consideration.

  2. nothing ur 18 and hopeully when my kids are 18 the wiil show i did a good job raseing them by making the right desistions

  3. Can not answer for Homecoming but the last two years of high school my daughter was allowed to date within the guidelines set by her father and me.  Prom the first year she had to be driven with her date because neither had a driver's license.  The next year again they had to be driven for the same reason....but they had fun...

  4. I'd change your driver.  

    Sure, she can go to homecoming and prom.  I'd only be really concerned about drunk driving, and would either cash out for a limo or make sure an adult was doing the driving or that she was sleeping over so she didn't have to drive at all.  

  5. I just got married 4 months ago my wife has 5 kids (3 girls 2 boys) her oldest girl is only 11 but if I have anything to say over it (dont think I will have say over it) I would not let her go I have 2 sisters and they wasnt aloud to go because my parents didnt want them to (they had their reasons) I also have my reasons some people I know have told me about afterprom and some of them get a little out of hand and I dont want my stepdaughter around that

  6. when I went to prom I didn't get home until like 5:30 in the morning and my mom was fine with it.  But then again she knew where I was and she knew my date very well.  I think as long as I have all the information and know who my daughter is with then its fine.  

  7. Of course my daughter will be allowed to go to her prom if she'd like to. We will set a reasonable curfew and so long as we know who she's with and where she will be, I don't foresee any issues. We would definitely want her home before 5 a.m. though. That just seems a little excessive. My concern with that would be her driving and being extremely tired. She doesn't drink and wouldn't get in the car with anyone that has been. If there was an after party, I would rather her spend the night at a friend's house. We just want her to be safe.

  8. Of course my daughter can go. She would have a curfew and I would put her on b/c ahead of time just in case (even though I would teach her I know from experience things can get wild and crazy no matter how much s*x ed a girl has). I wouldn't deprive her of a wonderful highschool memory and a great time.

  9. Well, while I can't foretell the future (my daughter's are 8, 17 months and 5 months), at this point I don't see any reason not to let them.

    I'd prefer they didn't stay out all night, but honestly where we live now it's not the custom anyway.

    The typical rules will apply: No illegal activities, period. I'd also ask them to consider hard before doing anything they'd regret or later feel was immoral.

    Kids DO have to grow up SOMETIME. At late 17, early 18, they need to assume some personal responsibility.

  10. my mother let me go and as long as i had my cell on she didn't worry.

    i would do the same unless she been getting in trouble and junk where i could;t trust her. but I'm just 18 and have no kids so we'll just have to wait and see

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