
Parents Choice Gentle Formula???

by Guest66850  |  earlier

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We have weaned my son off of Alimentum, and off of soy because the doctor determined his throwing up definitely have always been the reflux, not a milk intolerance. He has a sensitive tummy so we decided to move him to the Parent's Choice Gentle formula, because when he was on Parent's Choice Soy, he loved it.

But heres the thing. His p**p is yellow (which I know is because of the formula change) but it is somewhat formed. It takes him a good half hour to p**p (which it always has, when he was breastfed and when he was formula fed). He was consitpated the other day so is it possible that he is still slightly constipated? And is it ok that his p**p is still slightly formed? I was wondering if this has happened with anyone on Parents Choice Gentle Formula....?




  1. You don't say how old your son is...

    My daughter's doctor told me that the consistency (rather than frequency) is what to watch for.  So it does sound like your baby is constipated.  My daughter vomited/ spit up A LOT until she started solids at 6 months.  Her doctor had told me I could put some rice cereal in her bottle (she only takes one at night), but I really didn't feel comfortable with that.  He also said as long as she is gaining SOME weight and not LOOSING any, and developing normally otherwise, she'd be fine.  Also, prunes works wonders for my daughter...she has a nice soft BM every day!  

    So, when do we get to go back to talking about something other than vomit and BM's!  :)

  2. Our son was on that formula. His p**p was always mushy and yellowish. I'd say it's from the rice cereal since that can constipate a baby.  

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