
Parents: Do you think it's ok for me and my boyfriend to stay in eachothers houses?

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I am nearly 16 and he is 18. We live an hour and a half away so our parents are fine with me staying in his house for a few nights and him staying in mines for a few nights (please note, we DO NOT sleep in the same bed.) Also during the summer we stayed in his mobile home for two weeks with his parents.

As a parent do you think this is ok or do you think it is irresponsible?




  1. If this is OK with your parents that's all that matters.

    If you were my daughter I would come at get you and you would spend the night at home.

    If your BF didn't drive I would even drive him back home so he could spend the night in his own home.

  2. I really can't say.  If you two are mature enough to handle that kind of thing and you two deserve to be trusted why not?  I guess that they (the parents) may also feel that the 2 of you are going to do what you want anyhow so at least by inviting you two to hang out with them they can keep some sort of eye on you  

  3. I don't think it's a problem as long as you are not sneaking around into each others beds at night.  I guess I would rather my daughters' spend time with a boy in a family situation than out on her own - he's more likely to treat her with respect if he knows her daddy is keeping watch.  Also, about the age difference - boys mature slower than girls so it's common for girls to be attracted to older boys.  The one thing you do have to remember - something that my mother always told me -Even though you may be at the same intellectual level - if the boy is only trying to get you in bed - an older boy has had much more practice at it than a boy your own age - just keep that in mind.  

  4. Separate bedrooms and supervision. That will work

  5. If you were _my_ daughter, I would not allow it.

  6. i have a 15 year old daughter 16 in december and no she is not allowed to stay at her boyfriends house nor is he allowed to stay at my house and they are still supervised.

    my daughter boyfriend is 15 to.

    i would not allow a 15 year old to go out with a 18 year old and your parents are so wrong for allowing it

  7. If either of you were my children I would not let that happen ...

    but Its super cool that your parents trust you enough to let you and him do this ...

    don't betray their trust by messing up and getting pregnant!

    I hope you appreciate that your parents really trust you! Not everyone would allow this ...  

    I dont think your parents are bad paretns for allowing this ... I think they are just trying to show you they trust you and give you independece ...

    Be careful and as I said before don't betray their trust!

  8. I wouldn't allow my 15 year old daughter to sleep at her boyfriends house who is 18! that is illegal first of all what kind of mother would I be if I allowed my child to have a 18 year old boyfriend. I think your parents are very irresponsible.

  9. I think your parents are being irresponsible.  I would not let my daughter who is 16 stay at her boyfriends house, regardless of where you both sleep, and who else is home.  I would also not allow it under my roof.  

  10. who cares what other parents think, as long as yours are okay with it?

  11. there is no problem with that i think it is important that your kid should be with his or her dad a much as possible and it shows that your parents trust you very much and you are being responsible

  12. I think if you are responsible and your parents trust you than there isn't a problem with it especially with the distance issue

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