
Parents: How to motivate kids to read AR Books - rewards, incentives, ideas?

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School started Friday...first full week starts tomorrow. I have a 5th grader and a 3rd grader. I would like to start from day one with something this year to reward lots of reading and good AR (accelerated reader) grades - and them choosing higher points (harder books).

I was thinking like some kind of a reward chart at home. Like 1 sticker for every so many points and after so many stickers get to buy a book from a book order or get an "out" (out of a punishment) etc.

Anyone else do this with their kids or have some good ideas for a system like this? Please let me know - we can swap ideas! :)




  1. I think your idea is a good one. I am going to try something just like it at home with my kids. THANKS!

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