
Parents: I'd love lots of answers and lots of info.?

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How strict are you?

How old are your kids?

What are their rules? Whats your reasoning behind it?

Be detailed, like don't leave out a single detail.

This is for a psych class, my grade depends on YOU ALL.




  1. All i can add is

    Rules without Relationship lead to rebellion....

    IE meaning if you places rules and never correct with love or reason than it will lead your children to rebel against you...even later in life when they are not at home-

    Another note- is start disciplining early- because if you don't start when they are young than it will only get worse as they get older

    if you love your children than you will discipline them!

  2. I am pretty loose for the mother of a 14 month old.  HOWEVER, I do have lots of rules.  Unlike a lot of new moms, I didn't go crazy baby proofing my house.  Basically I just covered the electrical outlets.  My son does get in trouble for touching things or getting into things that he is not supposed to.  We use a combination of spanking and structured time outs.  Basically at this point, we just make rules that are designed to keep our son safe, but he is also responsible for taking care of his own toys and we are teaching him to throw things away.  He is also potty training but we are not terribly strict about this due to his young age.  Hope this is what you were looking for.  E-mail me if you want to talk more.  Good Luck.

  3. We are not really strict parents, but if discipline is needed we go into full force. If the child continues not to listen to what we say, then we take action to correct the problem. Our children are very well behaved, we rarely have to use any sort of discipline beyond the initial warning. Our children are 7 years, 3 years, and 15 months.  

  4. I think that I am pretty strict when it comes to important things like respect, age appropriate behavior...but I am not as strict when it comes to certain my kids can eat down stairs...I don't really care if they make a mess that can be cleaned or vaccuumed easily...I do however not allow them to drink anything downstairs that will I don't even put them in that situation...I don't like yelling at them all the time and I try to pick my kids are 4 and 2

  5. I have 4 kids all different ages and each one of them gets disciplined differently

    I would say that were pretty strict in our house.

    Each child is expected to make their own bed each morning. There is no video games during the week and only 1 hour of tv allowed only after homework is done. We insist that we eat dinner together as a family at the table and each child is required to read a book every night before bed.

    I wouldnt say our kids are perfect, but we dont really have too many problems with them.

    Our kids are





  6. How strict are you? Im both very strict and very lenient depending on the issue.

    How old are your kids? My children are 11, 9 and 6

    What are their rules? Whats your reasoning behind it?

    My rules are No hitting or physical violence. For obvious reasons. We have a rule that I will know where you are, who you are with and when you will be home or you will not go. I must meet and know friends parents before they can spend time at a friends home. I dont trust people i dont know and too many parents dont watch their kids. No bedroom doors are closed during the day unless the owner is changing clothing. I dont trust too much privacy and like to know what my kids are doing at a glance. You must have permission for sodas or snack foods. Healthy food is available at will. I monitor their sugar and fat intake because I want my children to remain healthy. Computer usage must be approved and monitored by an adult. I trust my kids but again i dont trust others i do NOT know. Tv programs must be acceptable to all who wish to watch. My son frequently was being made to watch carebears, brats, or other "girly" programs simply because the girls would outvote him. No phone calls after 9pm. Nobody is allowed to call my home except in dire emergency after 9pm because we need sleep and I will NOT have children calling to see if my kids can talk. Bedrooms will be cleaned weekly. I dislike a messy home but understand schedules. If their rooms are not clean by bedtime Sunday I will remove anything from the floor and donate it to charity. If they can not respect their property they obviously do not need it and i will not raise entitlest spoiled thinking children..Cell phones are NOT allowed. None of my kids have any viable reason for why they would need a cell phone. Meals are at meal times. Im not Burger king. My kids are expected to eat whats made, they are expected to be clean and on time for meals. If they dont show up for a meal then they are served a glass of milk, a sandwich and an apple for their meal.

    These are just a few of our rules but should give a good insight to our household.

  7. How strict are you?

    -I do tend to be "strict" but try to loosen up. I enforce my rules and do apply discipline when needed and guage it by the child and situation...

    How old are your kids?

    -4, almost 3, and 17 months...

    What are their rules? What's your reasoning behind it?

    -Rules: NO smartmouthing, basically do what we tell them to do day by day. Be it putting cups/plates in the sink that they had lunch on, putting their toys in their room, or putting dirty clothes in the hamper-simple things that are age appropriate.

    What's our reasoning-we want our children to even now understand how in life, there are rules and if they are broken, there are natural consequences/reprocussions but above that, we want them to have self discipline so they are fit/equipped for adulthood. They will be able to handle situations later in life without needing to resort to tantrums or rude behavior to get what they want... I want them to know how to properly handle themselves under pressure/stress... not to mention, they have to co exist with those around them and need to understand how to do so in a positive, respectful way.

    Add: The second answer (I think) said rules with relationship... sooo true. I remember growing up and the reason behind my father's punishment or rules was "because" and to this day, I REFUSE to just give my kids a "because" answer as to why they can/can't do x, y, or z. Children need to understand WHY we're telling them they can't do certain things. That gives them confidence you're not just being overbearing but they understand, may not like it, but understand that mom or dad are telling them whatever it is for an actual reason, not just "because I said so"... they need something concrete.

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