My 3.4 year old just started preschool/daycare last week. She is going Mon-Wed 8-3.
This is her second week and she tells me that she does not want to go to school because of a girl (who looks at her mean) and she just wants to stay home. I have given her advice on how to react to the girl, and I have talked to the teachers
about this girl.
She cries when I leave her, I try to stay long but I know that the longer I stay the harder that it will be for me to leave.
She has been a stay at home child for roughly 3 years, and this is a completely new atmosphere for her.
I put her in this daycare so that I could work part time but now I am thinking of finding a job where I can take her such as a family day care just because, I feel that she is not ready for 3, seven hour days.
I believe in guiding her, and teaching her and she is still a baby and so I am thinking of pulling her out of preschool and finding a part time job where I can take her or a job in which I can do from home.
What do you think I should do? Pull her out of this daycare and just put her in a preschool twice a week for 3 hours or should I keep her home (take her to play dates, and work at a family daycare with her.)
I have never dealt with this, and if I can put off school until she gits ready for kindergarten then I will, it's not like she would not be socialized because she has friends outside of school.