
Parents -Kids ready for School?

by Guest44541  |  earlier

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Are your Kids ready for School . And are you ready for the peace at home lol Just wanted to know . Can not believe that the School year is here again... now time go's by fast!Have you done all of your shopping for your kids for school as yet!?




  1. My kids got there uniforms now I just got to get there supplies and sneakers ... This will be interesting sice it will be my first time without my preschooler :)

  2. Hello, No we are not ready! We are leaving for Vacation this Sunday for a week so we figured we would get some school clothes and stuff while we were on vacation. I will be honest I am looking for to some quietness around the house! It has been very hectic around here this summer with all the rain we have had.(I have 3 boys so its hard to keep them busy in the house) Your right the summer zooms by. When I was a kid the summer seemed to last forever.. So how about you? Are you done your school shopping?

  3.   I'm ready to go back to school.  I love excitement, the fresh start and the building smelling all clean and polished.  

    High School Teacher

  4. way do u need 2 know??

  5. Well, my son has his school supplies.  No clothes yet.  I get paid tomorrow and will tackle that chore over the weekend.  

    So, I'm half-way done!

    Oh, and yes!  I love my son more than anything, but are looking forward to him going back to school.  Yes, yes, and YES!!


  6. ..lady, the summer still has more than a month left in it. You're just plain ignorant when it comes to your childrens' lives. Do them a favor and call CPS and hand them over.

  7. summers the best.  

  8. We have all the supplies. Haven't bought any clothes yet but we're going to go through all she has in a week or so to see what we really need. The funny thing is that she's ready to go back. I think she's had enough of her baby sister.  

  9. Hey, my youngest is starting Junior Kindergarten next week. I'm really upset to be honest, she's our only girl and the baby so it's hard to let go. But her brother is going into senior kindergarten and luckily it's a joint class so he can look after her.

  10. I live in Nevada and school starts next week here too! I have very mixed feelings about it. I have four kids and my youngest is starting kindergarten this year. He's small for his age and he's my little baby man so I feel scared for him and protective of him. These are just my fears though, he is so ready! I think I will love my mornings to myself but I know I'm gonna cry my eyes out the first day or two.

      I just finished all of the school shopping yesterday. It took my from 10 o clock yesterday morning until 5 o clock in the evening...I said four kids remember lol. Let me tell you by the time I got home yesterday I was one crazy momma!

  11. Yes my boys have been in school since august 6th... they had a two month summer ... I finished up our school shopping the day before school started as they needed so much more this year than last year... school is soooooooooo expensive and the more gadgets they need the more expensive it gets... I have a little bit of a break but still have my mom and hubby to look after so i dont get much of alone time either...

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