
Parents Refuseing To Take Sick Rat To The Vet, What Do I Do?

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I put a question on here earlier about if I should take my rat to the vet, until I realized that it was obvious that I should. So I told my parents I was worried about him sneezing, coughing, laying in the corner constantly, not drinking, itching, making a clicking noise when breathing (sometimes) and has white dots in his fur. They said hes only a rat and doesn't need to go because they haven't witnessed it (except for one sneeze and the dots in his fur). Please tell me how you would convince them that hes sick. He also came from a horrible pet store that put all the 30+ rats and mice with no food, and in cramped, filthy tubs as cages, which I think is their fault hes like this!




  1. Sounds like your rat has an upper respiratory infection. He needs medication. Tell your parents that it is animal cruelty to neglect a pet in need of medical care.

  2. listen. most walmarts have vets and/or vet techs at different locations on sundays. they are there to give out shots, like for rabies and stuff. i bet if you took your baby there, they could give you an idea of what's up with him. then you have solid evidence he needs to go to a vet. call your local store, check it out on line, find out when they are in your area and go there. i don't know where you live, i live in los angeles. in northern california there are vets that will even take food stamps for payment. you need to research this quick, get your rat help. i used to have a pet rat, he was too cool. good luck, hon.

  3. Depending on where you live it is actually illegal to not seek veterinary care for a sick animal.  It's considered animal neglect that can result in some hefty fines.

    Offer to do extra chores, or have you allowance withheld until the vet bill is covered.  See if you can borrow money from someone else.  Try telling your parents that you are just being the responsible and caring person that they are raising you to be.  It will not be anywhere close to as expensive as most people here are saying.  I live in an extremely expensive area and it was $70 for my rat's exam and medication.

    He's obviously sick and really needs to see a vet.  If you can't take him in, and your parents won't take him then you should consider surrendering him to the SPCA or a shelter.  He will likely be euthanized, but at least he won't suffer.

  4. hes from a petstore...of course hes sick! hes gonna die if u dont take him 2 the vet. also rats need to be kept in pairs next time adopt

  5. I hate your parents! Maybe you can tell them you could pay off the bill? I am mostly broke but with my pets (mice) my parents always pay but they don't give me pocket money until its paid off (the bill)  and thats it. Maybe you could get a job when you're old enough? If you're old enough right now go start looking! OMG!!!!!!! How can they be sooooo cruel?!?!??!??!

    Just show him to ur parrents! One look at the sneezing and white dots is enough!!!!!! Why did they get you a rat if they won't go to the vets?!?!?!?!?!

    I am fully on ur side!!!!

  6. the vets wont fix him,

    and if they do it will cost a ton of money, talkin 100-200 dollars...maybe more..

    it will cost 60 bucks jsut to see him and thats not even with the guarentee of him being treated...

    sorry, your rat probably has a few days to live..

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