
Parents: This is lame, right?

by  |  earlier

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So this is about computer usage.

I have a laptop, my mom has a laptop and my younger brother [14] uses our old shared computer, my old desktop.

You'd think we were set and none of us had to use one another computer.


My laptop doesn't have Mircosoft Word or a UBS port for my iPod.

So I have to use my brothers desktop for school and to update my iPod.

The thing is there is a password on all the desktops, like the seperate user accounts. My mom knows the passwords, my brother knows the passwords, but my mom won't let me know.

I could care less about his and her desktops to even touch them, all I want is MY password to MY user account!

She says if they aren't home then she'll give it to me but change it later.

Its MY account though, my area of the desktop, whats wrong with giving me the password so I can access MY stuff.

To me this is bull! There is no reason I should be blocked.

Shouldn't she give me the password?

I am 18, 19 in 7 days btw so IMHO there is NO reason for ANY of this.




  1. How can your laptop not have a USB port???

    It must have one...

    Also, yeah, get open office. It's virtually the same (some things I find easier to find my way around actually) and you can save them as .doc files if you need to.

  2. i think that is stupid. my bet would be to buy (or present it to you your mum as a compromise or problem solver for her to buy it for you) microsoft word for your laptop and buy an ac (plug in the wall) charger for your ipod.... have you abused computer privileges before? i don't understand why she would do that.

  3. If your brother knows the password, why don't you just ask him what it is?

  4. very lame indeed. i suppose it's her house her rules. argh! anyway, most likely she's treating you like a child because you act like one and you need to break that cycle. its hard acting like an adult when people treat you like a child but it's what you'll have to do. my mum did that to me up until recently (i'm 24 and have a son btw). i simply didn't play her game. obviously she's in control of the passwords and the computers but there must be other situations where she treats you like a child. a few things you can do is talk like an adult and treat your mum with respect (even if she doesn't really deserve it). do this genuinly and she should respond quite soon. hope this helps

  5. completely lame what is wrong with her, this is why i'm glad i have my own laptop. i'm 19 and my mum still treats me like a small child most of the time and i give her little reason too. i'm sorry i don't know wat too tell you, you could try and talk too her but if you get annoyed and start shouting she may see this as childish behaviour and then use it against you. if you are going to confront her or say something try not to get angry or stroppy or anything that will let her win.

    hope this gets sorted.


  6. I agree you should have a password to your own area of the computer.

    However, if I were you, I'd take a look into getting Open Office for your laptop. It's free, it can read and write Word files, and it will allow you to do your schoolwork without having to wait for a free slot on the desktop. Type it into Google - you can just download it.

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