
Parents Unhappy Help PLease?

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well okay heres the thing idk whether or not my dads bipolar or something all I've been told is he has chemical inbalance and he;s taken a BUNCH of different stuff to like help it. idk about cymbalta but this thing that starts with a Z and then Prozac and all this stuff anyways I believe w/e it is its wearing off and I was peeping at this stuff he wrote on the computer and he was tlaking about not only how anxiety he feels but how he thinks that his marriage to my mom is like FDR's marrige to Eleanor. Which in case you didnt know is horrible because it was all business and no like real intimate love or w/e so im just asking for advice or maybe I just needed to tell someone idk




  1. i bet he was just having one of those days.. dont sweat it.. just next time try and keep urself away from other peeps computers :P

  2. Sugar, your parents feelings for one another is their business and doesn't have anything to do with you.  Or how they feel about you.

    Your father's mental illness is his to discuss with his doctor.  

    I know that you probably feel like you should do something about what you now know.  But it isn't for you  to do anything.  Please let it go and let your parents deal with it.

  3. Tell each of them separately & then together: YOU LOVE THEM! Ask if there is ANYTHING you can do to help either one (or both) be happier. Tell them you feel troubled because you aren't sure in your heart THEY are happy. Hopefully they'll listen & do something about their lives. Then drop it; ask again in two weeks. Hopefully they'll hear you...

    Then find a GOOD friend for yourself; someone who will be  sounding board with you for each other's troubles.

  4. would you like it if your parents were "peeping at this stuff [you] wrote on the computer"?  They're adults and more than that they're people.  My best suggestion is to forget about it and keep your nose out of their business.  And just for the record, I'm 20 and if my parents caught me reading stuff they wrote that wasn't meant for me I'd still end up with a black and blue behind and I'd deserve.  If you ever want respect from them, you have to respect them and their privacy first.

  5. Well.........I am sorry about your parents.  You cannot make it better.  It is not your marriage.  It is very hard living with someone with bipolar.  Everyone wants a happy home.  Your dad must feel like he is not getting support from your mom.  I hope he can find some help from a counselor.  

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