
Parents Won't Let Me Paint My Nails..

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I' am 16 Y/O and want to paint my nails pink... my parents won't let me.. they said "I'm still in school...Whenever you get out of school you can paint them" Im like wtf?? I'm a girl... thats part of being a girl.... They get me so freakin pissed off!!!! I don't do drugs I don't do anything to disobey them I just want to paint my nails but I can't.... What to do??!! HELP!




  1. Guest59146

    SAME, I'm 14 and I secretly painted my nails a pretty pastel blue. It was over a holiday, so my mom was ok with it. Before, my mom would never let me paint my nails because "it distracted me during school." I told her I was mature enough to not get distracted in school, so she let me keep it after the holiday was over. One week later, for some crazy reason, she decided that it would be a great idea to change her mind and tell me to take it all off. I'M A GIRL, AND I AGREE, I'M NOT TAKING DRUGS OR DYING MY HAIR FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, NAIL POLISH IS EVEN REMOVABLE!??!?!? She told me to get it all off because "no nail polish for school girls," everybody else paints their nails (but I'm not doing it to stay in the norm, I just like it because it's pretty.) Also, my grades have not been dropping or anything. The nail polish has NOT changed a thing or affected my school. She paints her nails, but tells me that "shes an adult" and I think her reason is ridiculous.

  2.  Instead of painting your nails maybe you can paint your toenails and wear socks so your parents won't see it.

  3.  uhhhhh my mom doesnt want me to get my nails done and im going to a speaical occasion on sunday and i dont want to go with my nails looking ratched and black as they are.!

  4.  My mom won't let me paint my fingernails any color because she says it makes me look older. I'm a 13 year old girl and I look nothing like a adult. I can't even sit in the front seat of a car! I wish I could grow up like a normal person! Ahhhhhhh!!!!! 

    But in the end I love and respect my parents and have to fallow their rules. Good luck to you fellow kids in need. 

  5.  My mom won't let me paint my fingernails any color because she says it makes me look older. I'm a 13 year old girl and I look nothing like a adult. I can't even sit in the front seat of a car! I wish I could grow up like a normal person! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!


  6.  ommmggg....i'm in the same situation. I'm also 16 & my dad won't let me wear nail polish, he won't even let me wear clear nail polish...he's f*****g strict...but i started wearing light pink so it doesn't appear that much but he's still wants me to take it off...I'm freakinnggg sixteennn,like doesn't he understand, I'M A GIRL!!!

  7. I can't paint my nails because my dad says it is banded from school but its not he don't even read the handbook.... anyways jusx paint them your freakin 16!! Your old enough to drive but not paint your nails! just paint your nails it doesn't matter, they'll realize your a girl

  8. at our school we are not allowed nail polish and my mum and dad say no even on te holidays so you should just listen to them even if you don't want to cause they love you anyway

  9. my mom wont let me do anything if i paint my nails and she sees them she will say that they look ugly and make me look too old... and she will tell me to take them off or else im grounded, but my advice is that you paint it a color thats not really noticeable, thats what i do, and  then i kinda avoid showing my hands ha ha

  10. I have the same problem but I am a 12 yo boy. I want to paint my toenails but my parents wouldn't like it. So I have my sitter do them with pinks and silvers.

  11. I have the same problem but I am a 12 yo boy. I won't to paint my toenails but my parents wouldn't like it. So I have my sitter do them with pinks and silvers.

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