
Parents and Grandparents OF?

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IM looking for more information on Kizzie Lang or Long.

She was married in union Co., TN. but it says her maiden name was long? so If you can help me find any information on her: like, who her parents are and such. and what her real maiden name is, Long or Lang.

This is all I have on her so far.

1920 United States Federal Census

about Kizie Cooper

Name: Kizie Cooper

Home in 1920: Knoxville Ward 11, Knox, Tennessee

Age: 25 years

Estimated Birth Year: abt 1895

Birthplace: Tennessee

Relation to Head of House: Wife

Spouse's Name: Charley

Father's Birth Place: Tennessee

Mother's Birth Place: Tennessee

Marital Status: Married

Race: White

s*x: Female

Able to read: No

Able to Write: No

Household Members: Name Age

Charley Cooper 30

Kizie Cooper 25

Girty Cooper 2 6/12

Dovey Cooper 1 3/12




  1. I see Cinnea already pinned down the 1910 census, which I was getting ready to post. Cool.

    However, the full image has some interesting issues.. it shows Kizzy with the Long surname, and daughter to Joshua.. but it also indicates that she is married.  That is a challenge.

    You didn't indicate if you have her death date, or if you have tried to find a death certificate for her.

    The above Kizzy is the only one in Union co, so I think she has the right lady.

  2. Kizie is certainly an unusual name! I even double checked the image to see if it could be Lizzie, but it is definitely a K.

    There is a Kizie Lang, 5 years old in 1900:

    Name:  Kizie m Long

    Home in 1900: Civil District 12, Union, Tennessee

    Age: 5

    Estimated Birth Year: abt 1895

    Birthplace: Tennessee

    Relationship to head-of-house: Daughter

    Father's Name: Marton J

    Mother's Name: Annie J

    Race: White

    Household Members:

    Marton J Long 25 (married 7 years, farmer)

    Annie J Long 26 (1 child)

    Kizie m Long 5

    Laurinda Evans 88 (boarder)

    And then in 1910:

    Name:  Kizzy Long

    Age in 1910: 16

    Estimated Birth Year: abt 1894

    Birthplace: Tennessee

    Relation to Head of House: Daughter

    Father's Name: Jashua {Joshua}

    Father's Birth Place: Tennessee

    Mother's Name: Jacy

    Mother's Birth Place: Tennessee

    Home in 1910: Civil District 4, Union, Tennessee

    Marital Status: Married (From image: m2)

    Race: White

    Gender: Female

    Household Members:

    Jashua Long 37 (farmer)

    Jacy Long 35 (8 children, 3 living)

    Kizzy Long 16

    Joseph Long 8

    Alice Long 3

    Simp Ledford 18 (servant)

    The parents names are different, but it is likely that it is the same family. On the 1900 census, both parents had J as their middle initial. And, in fact, Marin J., Anna J., Joseph and Alice Long are all living in Maynardsville, Union Co., TN in 1920, ten years older, and Maynardsville is described on the census images as "New District 4."

    Ancestry has TN marriage records, which shows Kizzey Long and Charley Cooper were married in Maynardsville, Union Co. April 9, 1910. Joshua or Jashua Long married Josephine Dial on March 16, 1893, also in Maynardsville (likely Kizzie's parents). My conclusion is that her parents were likely Joshua Martin Long and Anna Josephine Dial of Union Co., TN (or some form of those names).

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