IM looking for more information on Kizzie Lang or Long.
She was married in union Co., TN. but it says her maiden name was long? so If you can help me find any information on her: like, who her parents are and such. and what her real maiden name is, Long or Lang.
This is all I have on her so far.
1920 United States Federal Census
about Kizie Cooper
Name: Kizie Cooper
Home in 1920: Knoxville Ward 11, Knox, Tennessee
Age: 25 years
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1895
Birthplace: Tennessee
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Spouse's Name: Charley
Father's Birth Place: Tennessee
Mother's Birth Place: Tennessee
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
s*x: Female
Able to read: No
Able to Write: No
Household Members: Name Age
Charley Cooper 30
Kizie Cooper 25
Girty Cooper 2 6/12
Dovey Cooper 1 3/12