
Parents and Problems.....

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to tell you a bit about my problem. I'm sorry it's boring, but I guess I could use some advice.

I'm 17, a good student with great grades. I work and get good money to pay for my car, gas, and extra things I need. I usually never use my parents money anymore. Due to issues about my parents fighting constantly, I usually don't spend time at the house, I hang with my boyfriend because he is my stress relief. Well one day my mother decides that I'm just a selfish ***** that doesn't deserve anything. She says she doesn't want me being with my boyfriend almost at all because she thinks his opinions (he only said 2 things which weren't bad at all) are not to her liking. He's human for gods sake, he can imput his opinion all he wants. My mother always wants things HER way or no way. She doesn't accept my opinion at all. I never ask her for anything and when I asked for one little thing she screams at me and threatens to take everything away from me. She flips out if I don't do one little thing that she likes. Sometimes I forget to do chores, but when I am reminded I always do them. I'm a good person, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, etc. She thinks because I'm depressed and such that I should go to a mental institution. She says horrible things to me all the time, like I'm a *****, I'll never get anywhere in life, I should look prettier or be more like my sister, etc. She expects me to be something I'm not. She wants me to be a model, I'm definately not. She thinks she's the best mother in the world. Do you think so? Am I really just being selfish? I need people to be honest with me. What can I do about this probelm if anything?

My dad also tells me one thing and then backstabs me. He constantly deceives me just so he can watch me in pain. Is it also bad to want to commit suicide?




  1. Suicide is not the answer. Please talk to someone you can trust like the school counselor. Maybe the counselor can recommended a family therapist you and your parents can see.

    It sounds like your parents are taking their anger of each other on you. Its not your fault! I admire how courageous and independent you are.

    You are have so much to live for. You only have to deal with them till you are eighteen and then you can have a life on your own. It may seem hard now, but think of all the great things you can/ will do.  

  2. Oh goodness!!  My parents did the same thing to me.  Constantly put me down and man did it bring me down along the way.  I ended up REALLY depressed and needing help.  I'm so glad to see you've recognized it so early.  Go to a therapist, you are definitely depressed.  Get on some medication.  See if your parents will go to counselling with you.  If not, either wait until you are 18 to move out or see if they will let you move out now.  As hard as it is, DO NOT let their words sink into your head.  As the previous poster said they are just emotionally abusing you and trying to bring you down.  In their mind they probably think they are pushing you to do better but it is only hurting you.  Once you get out, try to stay away.  It took me many many years to get over the abuse my parents put on me.   Be around positive people.  Constantly think positive things about yourself.  It is all about self-talk.  The way  you speak to yourself is how you will see yourself.

    Good luck and God bless!!

  3. your parents are the problem it seems like. you sound like your doing pretty well on your own so keep that up. when you turn 18 just move out. get your own place or move in with your BF. go see a therapist who can help your family and if you are depressed at all they can fix that. try to stay away from your family if possible. hang out with your friends if you can.  

  4. maybe talk to your counselor at school and see what he says btw don't commit suicide!  

  5. i dont want to read all of that! sorter version?

  6. I deffinetly think you should talk to someone about this...its called emotional of the hardest types of abuse to prove but what they are doing is breaking you down to their level...misery loves company...when they see you moving forward in life they turn it around because all the things they are telling you they should be telling themselves....the fact they don't like you with your boyfriend I think means he is someone you want in your life...they are afraid that you will make something of yourself and succeed and leave them hanging in the dust which is exactly where they belong if they think treating you like that is any kind of way to treat their are not being selfish...I think your mother needs to go get tested for manic depression or bipolar...also your father...its not a healthy situation so keep your head up and in a year you'll be gone..

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