
Parents and convincing them to let me date?

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Basically, here's the situation: my friend from camp came over to my house on Monday. We ended up kissing and we want to go on a date and see if it works out, and if it does then we're going try for a relationship.

Here are the problems:

-We have a significant age difference. He's 15 and a sophomore, and I'm 13 and in 8th grade. However, I'm also very mature for my age, and I'm not just saying that; it's true. He's also very sensible and would never take advantage of me. We met at basically a camp for smart kids.

-We live kind of far from each other. He lives in San Francisco and I live in a suburb; by public transportation it's about an hour and 15 minutes to get to his house from where I live, or about 30-45 minutes by car.

-My parents are a bit overprotective.

We'd been planning to meet up this Sunday but I remembered that I'd already had prior commitments. So we're going to try for the weekend after next. I asked my mom about it when we were in the car today and she said that she thought I was a little young; however, she wanted to discuss it with my dad and talk about it in a week (her words were pretty much "let's leave this subject alone for another week and then we'll talk about it.")

I'm smart and I get good grades; I'm involved in lots of extra curricular activities- ballroom dance, piano, running the manga club at school, and my Jewish education. How do I convince them to let me date him?




  1. Your parents are right. You are way too young. You have plenty of time for dating, sorry

  2. pick up some extra chores around the house try to show ur responsible  and that ur growing up becoming a young lady and ready to get out there and experience new things. if u feel comfortable talking to ur parents sit down and say hey i really want to go this is what we got planed going here and then here if he has a cell give ur parents his number be an adult and step up to the plate and talk to both ur mom and dad. if they say no back off for a few days and try again. that will show them u are serious about it and understand that u are growing up by confronting them.

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