
Parents..another question, PLEASE HELP!?

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i am a teen and just asking questions to understand people/parents better

what would u do if ur kid was a cutter? would u make ur kid stop hanging out with someone who was a cutter?





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  2. That's a touchy subject there. If one of my babies was a cutter, I'd try to find the root. Since I was a cutter myself I have a bit of understanding on the topic, I wouldn't stop my kids from playing or hanging out with someone who cuts, it isn't something that you pick up from other kids, it's normaly done to help cope or deal with some deeper problme that they don't understand or have the tools and such to deal with.

  3. Try to get them some help, like a counselor. There are bigger issues they aren't handling that are causing the cutting. If one of my children was friends with a cutter, I would make sure my child knew how to cope with it, and the things to say to encourage the kid to stop or get help, but I don't think I would stop them from hanging out.

  4. well im not a parent but i was once a "cutter"..i know that my "cuting problem" wasnt because of others it was because i didnt feel like i was good enough and because i had a low self esteem. if i was a parent i wouldnt make my kid stop hanging with cutters i would just sit him/her down and talk and make sure that he/she knows that i loved them and that whenever they needed something that i would be there. the last thing you want to do is be mean or harsh or punish the child because that is just negative attention that they dont need.

  5. I believe this is more common than people think, and yes i have been there after losing and burying my first born child.

    There definately lies a deeper problem within the person and for that reason its is strongly advised that proffessional help would be extremely wise.

    My younger sister 17 has been an ongoing cutter for the last few yrs due to father issues and self confidence.

    I was once told by a psychologist that a good tecnique is to squeeze a few blocks of ice in your hands till the feeling of wanting to cut goes away.


    Take Care x*x

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