
Parents are overstepping rights when I'm 18. What can I do?

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My parents have always generally treated me like c**p.

Kept a roof over my head, and kept me fed, but always used it against me when it came to my rights.

I basically was powerless being underage because obviously I was still under them as their kid.

My mother is very hard to get along with.

My Father is whiped, but generally respectful of me when he is not around my Mother.

I recently turned 18, but my Mother & Father are still treating me like c**p, if not more now.

My Mother is trying to pull that whole line of "As long as your under my roof, you will do exactly what I tell you, and I will slap you if I choose to."

WTF, I'm 18, (Even) if I am under their roof, I don't believe they should be able to treat me like this.

She tells me when to go to bed. Tells me that I have to attend church if I am living with them. (Even though I'm Agnostic and prefer not to go)

She tells me where I can and can't go still, and orders me around like some slave.

I have an older brother who lives with us temporarly. He is 26. They are rude to him and try to order him around, but they generally fail to do so with him, but I don't get what makes them think that they can treat my brother who is over 18 with distance and respect while they are telling me that I have no rights.

They stole from me also, and asked for them to give the item back but they refused telling me that they took it because I was "Disobient"

??They are driving me up the wall telling me what to do with and in my life.

Sometimes when we get into arguements, my Mother tends to be aggressive in a physical way because she cannot make her side of the arguement logical.

Should I report her if she hits me? How would I do that? I don't want to go and say "I'd like to report an assalt about my mother slapping me"

I mean, who does that? But it has to stop one way or another.

How would I downsize their control over me while being under their roof.

I feel so powerless even though I know I'm 18.

I either put up with this unbearable situation, or they kick me out. I have no where to go.




  1. i believe u respect ur parents and still mindful of them, but sometimes

    parents really are domineering and so illogical, i am a parent also...

    ur bro has done his way make ur parents realize how to treat him...

    u can do that also, 2 usggestions that u can do, u can choose or do them both... first, find a job, live out from them, second find a family counsellor, and then speak w/them also...

    or if u can also do what ur bro did, to free himself for emotional blackmail

  2. I hope you have your college applications in.  Alternatively, have you considered the armed forces?  Air force, navy, coast guard, etc?  Anything to get you the h**l out.  Then you can save your money and never return.

    Sounds like your mother is an aggressive bully, and regardless of the fact you are a legal adult, she thinks she can do what she likes with her children.

    Sure you could hit her back, report her to the police, do a variety of things, but the most likely outcome is you being forced out of your home.

    So the best thing I can suggest is finish high school, graduate, and get the heck out ASAP.

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