
Parents are the best teachers do you agree or disagree?why?

by Guest58346  |  earlier

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Parents are the best teachers do you agree or disagree?why?




  1. It depends on the parent - ideally, yes, it would be best if the parents were the best teachers in their children's lives - unfortunately, it doesn't always work out that way.

  2. I disagree.

    I have found a better teacher than my parents.

  3. depends on the teacher, my daughter loved her 4th grade teacher, but i didnt like her too much bc  she would always tell the kids stupid things. so 51% i disagree

  4. An interesting question, but one without a single answer.  It depends on the child, the parent, and the teacher.  Some teachers are awful, some parents are awful, and some children/parent/teacher combinations can be fantastic or terrible.  So many personalities, so many variables.  I think a good parent is a better teacher for their child than the greatest teacher...for some things!  For book learning?  Great teachers.  For life lessons?  A great parent.

  5. Young kids do what their parents to. They pick up you attitudes, moods, mannerisms and habits. Parents can talk, which is very important; but watch what you DO around your kids. They are sponges and always watching and listening to you. Parents are the guides for how one should be in the world. That is not to say that kids cannot be influenced by society. Obviously they can. But parents are the FIRST teachers.

  6. agree..u learn the basics about ur life what they affects ur life

  7. It depends on what context of which you are speaking.  As a parent, I'm qualified to teach certain things such as morals and values, manners/ettiquette, right from wrong... however, if you're talking about math, history, social studies... etc... then I can only help with homework in certain areas, I'm not capable of actually teaching my children everything they learn in school.

  8. I totally agree with it. Young children are always watching and listening to their parents and do what their parents do. Kids learn their parents' attitudes, habits and ways of talking as well as their appearance or personality. Children naturally learn almost everything from their parents and this fact totally affects children's lives.

  9. I completely agree.  As a homeschooling mom, I know that I am able to give my children a better education than anyone else would be able to because I know my children better than anyone else.  I know the way he/she learns.  I know their interests.  I know how to KEEP their interest.  I am also in a position to allow and help them to explore interests they might not be able to learn about with another teacher.  

    If I do not know the answer/answers to something they are learning, we learn it together.  When they want to learn an instrument that I have no clue about, we get lessons.  When my 15 year old son wanted to take trigonometry, we found him a  class because I do not know trig.

    Parents have the ability to give children individual time and individualized learning.  Parents are, by far, a child's best teacher.

  10. I definitely agree that parents are the best teachers (and I am a teacher).  Parents build the foundation to make their children be better people and strive for success.  Most of the time, when there is a student that does well, they have strong support at home from parents.  On the other hand, when parents could care less, their children are the same way, so it's incredibly hard for anybody else to teach them.

    Teachers can do a great deal to impact kids in many positive ways, but, without good parents teaching them HOW to be successful, we wouldn't have the same effect on them.

  11. I disagree, but not 100%. Some parents are very good teachers, I would say most, but definitely not all. Regardless of how good a single teacher might be, there is still value in being exposed to other teachers with other points of view.

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