
Parents choice milk based?

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My son is on parents choice milk based formula he is a tad over 4 weeks old how long can it be for him to have a bowel movement? he had one this morning at 5 am but it's 5:30 pm right now and thats it




  1. i had my daughter on formula as well, although it wasn't the same kind your son is on.  her doctor told me that formula fed babies tend to have less bowel movements, and as long as she was having at least one a day she was fine. every doctor is different though.

    if you are at all concerned, don't be afraid to call the doc.

  2. My daughter drinks the same formula and she poops once a day, sometimes once every other day. It is totally fine unless baby goes for 3 days without a p**p. Then you should call your doctor, as the baby is likely constipated and may need a suppository.

    Formula fed babies do not have the hourly blowouts that breastfed babies have. They p**p less often and it is more solid.

  3. babies can go one or two days without having a bowel movement.  only worry if there is a problem like curling up and crying in pain.  you'll know.  trust yourself and don't change to different formulas it will get worse and cause more tummy aches

  4. try aptimil it is designed to give babys wet nappys wet as in water poo and less gas

  5. Its normal for a newborn thats on formula, to have atleast one poopy a day, especially if the formula has alot of iron in it. Check his tummy, if it feels hard then he is constipated, but if its soft then he is just fine. Sarah didn;t have reg. BM's till she was I think 3.5 months old. As long as he has one a day he should be fine. But if not, talk with his DR about possibly giving a bit of Kyro syrup, prune juice or suppositories.

    I used to have to do kyro in her bottles, 1/2-1 tsp in about 5 bottles every other day to keep her loose. I talked with the DR and she was fine with it, but then again each dr is different as well. Good Luck

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