
Parents disown 32 yr old son if he gets involve in any way with his pregnant gf and unborn child?

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My bf's (ex now) was threatened by his parents that they will disown him if he still make communications/relations with me and our unborn child, I am 12 weeks pregnant and they want him to discontiniou any relations with me and not be there for his own blood. He broke up with me since his parents said I am ruining their family because they are all fighting bec. of our relationship. They call me ex stupid. We are both inlove with each other, but at this point i'm so lost. He said that he did fight for me and the baby but his folks would not listen, he's 32 years old already and this hurts me more, will it ever change? What should I do?




  1. Wow .. no offence or anything, but he should man up .

    He really needs to take responsibility for what he did, and his parents need to understnad that you didn't get pregnant ALL BY YOURSELF.

    Good luck !

  2. he's an adult.. he has to move on from his family and start his own

    if his family wants to disown their son for being responsible then that is their own loss..

    tell him that he should do whatever he thinks is right and whatever he thinks is best  

  3. If he dumps you because of his parents, he's not a MAN but a BOY and doesn't deserve you!!

    He SHOULD tell them to go to h**l and stick by you!!!

  4. OMG HE IS 32 NOT 22!!!! this guy is a loser sorry!! he should stick by you and his child....for God sakes 32!!! tell his parents he is a grown man and they need to let go too...and if he is that weak you don't need him...there are how many other millions of MEN real MEN out there...let your heart get over him and move on...but not before you explain to him and his @!!#$ parents that you will be going to the DOR and getting child support so make sure you go to your local Court house and file....he has a repsonsiblity....its always fun while "doing it" but once there is a pregnancy why do men almost always bail?! and Im sorry but what horrible GRANDPARENTS!! may have problems or maybe you don't but that unborn child is still there's too...make them all responsible....don't make this all your own responsibilty...your child deserves the best!..and I know it hurts...we've all had broken takes awhile and it will be harder for you but it's like going Cold Turkey...just do it... you would still want him back knowing that he didn't stand by "his woman" but stood behind his mothers apron strings!? deserve better too....

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