
Parents divorcing how to help my 11 year old brother?

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Well my parents are getting a divorce and my little brother know what is going on, but I just need to know how to help him I am gonna be moving out soon but it seems every time my little brother gets close to some one they are ripped away from him my 2 older brothers have moved out while he was close to them and now my mom is moving out and soon after I am moving out. How will this affect him later on and how to prevent any damage it might cause to him? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Oh, he may be stronger than you think. I don't know because I've never met him obviously, but I was 10 when my parents divorced. They had actually been seperated so I knew about it and was okay with it. I was in a similar situation to your brother because my siblings are all older than me and right after my parent's seperated the eldest two both moved out to joing the military (and I was especially close to my sister). Then I just lived with my mom and sister (who I didn't get along with as a kid for whatever reason). Just let him know you are there for him and that you will still hang out with him. Try and take him somewhere as often as you can (if you live nearby) or email him and always make sure you ask him a lot of questions so he will know what to talk about. He's probably really into school and hanging out with his friends so as long as he isn't taken away from that I'm sure he'll be alright. Just make sure he knows you are there for him.

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