
Parents do you know the dangers of...?

by Guest63886  |  earlier

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Hand Sanitizers?

They seem like a great idea. a quick way to keep your baby's hands (or toddler) clean and germ free.

unfortunately the chemicals in these things are very toxic! young kids are curious, they put things in their mouths and that can cause poisoning.

i've caught my children on some occasions sampling a variety of things that might be considered common...toothpaste, mouthwash, hand soap....etc.

kids are curious, but hand sanitizer is deadly!

Did you know this?

if not...please read this:

I decided to post this because a neighbors daughter is at this moment in the hospital recovering from a serious poisoning. it scared me to death!

i've never had the stuff in my house for this very reason. never did i imagine i would be so close still to someone harmed by this stuff.

Please just use good 'ol fashioned soap and water.




  1. yes i do..i heard it on a news somewhere like a year ago..

    there was this litlle girl that got ill but they couldnt find out what was wrong with her - turned out she was using hand sanitizer in her school and she ingested an amount thats enough to poison her...

    BUT thanks for sharing and for giving more info...

  2. thats definitely scary, i have a small one that hangs on my keys as a keychain and the other day i let my son play with it at the doctors office not remembering i had put that on there, and it was in his mouth! thank god nothing happened though, but thanks for this!

  3. Yes, like erica said, one would assume those hands would go in their mouths! I don't know any mother who would use hand sanitizer on a child for gosh' sake...

    Seems like you have some more babyproofing to do in your home yet, more serious than the things you have mentioned in your posting.

  4. I do. I have SEVERAL in our apt.

    My son is not mobile yet but i will put them in a safe place soon.

    ~ Don't mind rude people.. They have nothing better to do than *try* to annoy others, don't let them. Thanks for posting this, i'm sure it'll be of help for some =]

    God Bless

  5. Just some food for thought...

    Maybe it isn't necessary to be so conscious about germs.  We grew up without the hand sanitizer, and we turned out fine.  I'm sure our kids will be fine too.

    As for me, I don't even use it on myself.  If I feel that my hands are really that dirty (or if I had kids, theirs too), I'd just wash with soap and water.

    As bad as a kid getting sick is (timewise, moneywise, even soemtimes healthwise), exposure to germs helps boost their immune systems in the end.

    Alright, snacktime over :)

  6. wow thanks i posted this on mommyspace too!!

    your baby's kissy face is soooo adorable btw!!!!

  7. is it only dangerous when they ingest it before it dries or does it matter? Either way thanks for the tip!!!

  8. I'm puzzled...I would never have thougth to put it on my child's hands!! Only mine. Common sense told me...I obv assumed since he would put his hands in his mouth, that that would be a bad idea....

    But glad you posted this!!

  9. Thanks for the tip- I don't use it, too drying on my hands but we have some in the house unused because someone gave me some- I will definitely get rid of it before she gets into it

  10. I have never had this stuff in my house either, but for a different reason.  Basically I don't believe in over sanitizing everything for my baby because then she will never develop a strong immune system.  I clean things, of course, and wash our hands with soap and water, but no antibacterial anything.  

  11. So is toilet bowl cleaner, but I am sure to keep it out of reach from my child... It's called baby-proofing.

    You must be sensitive if that bothered you.

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