
Parents do you prepare your children for school?

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My oldest son be going to first grade. He very excited and can't wait for school to start. I know they need to know 75 words which they give me a list back in May when he was in kindergarten. He has learning disability. I made flash cards (index) with the words on there to work with him and number car from 1 to 100. And I am do some with math to get him going has well. I was wondering want other parents are doing with their children. What grade your child be into this school year. You be packing their school lunches or let them buy. I be eligible to get free lunch at school once they send me paperwork. I be packing his school lunch till do.. Want should I be expecting for him in first grade. he my first son. I know he loves school.




  1. My son is a teacher and he teaches his kids all summer.  They are learning magnets!  If you make it fun children should keep learning all summer.  Dan takes his kids to the library every week and they have to read a book every week and they discuss it.  They laugh and have fun...even with Capt Underpants books!  They are halarious and kids love to read once you get them interested in it.

    My husband and I play games with them...board games.  They are teaching tools...teaching them to think and organize and plan.  such as Chess and Sequence and Sorry and even Mousetrap.  Children love these things. It doesn't have to be flash cards.  We make games outside with stead of playing that horseshoe game we make it math. YOu have to answer a question correctly to get a shot.  

    We make the kids help roll the money...meaning coins and they have to count it to put in the rollers.  They know how make change even at 7 and that is something most people at McDonalds can't do if they don't have a register that tells them how much.

    We play monopoly and Life and other games where they have to use money .

    there is no excuse not to keep teaching throughout the summer.  Children lose so much during those times...and you can take a few hours every week and have them read a book or have some quiet time playing board games!    Heck I even have a very old  GI Joe Game that we play with the kids.  They have to learn strategy...that game was their daddy's game almost 30 years ago and now they are playing it.

    There are books out there that are fun to work....puzzles..mazes....word search...even SODUKO...heck my 6 year old grandson does that.  They have tons of those online for children ...not as complicated as Adult soduko but easier ones until the get it figured out.   I print out individual books for the kids of things I find on the internet like puzzles etc...and they look for them when they come over.  They love it.

    Get them away from the computer and tv and xbox or playstation and make them interact and think with real life issues and people!  YOU babysit your child and not let something else do it ...and you can watch your child grow before your eyes while you have fun doing it.

    It is fun discussing books and problems....make games out of it.  And then reward them with an ice cream float or cone or a nature walk to learn about birds or something !

    You sound like you are a good mom trying your best.  Just make it fun!

  2. i think you need to go back to school

  3. Sounds like you're doing great.  Also make sure you read to him every night, and talk to him a lot.

  4. Three of my kids are in 4th grade and one is in 3rd grade.

    I have to admit that I'm not doing much this summer in the way of keeping up their education. We are enjoying ourselves at the pool and going places together as a family. We do encourage them to read during the summer, but that is usually only on a rainy day.

    As for lunches we sit down at the end of each month and look over the school menu and pick out which child wants to buy and on what day. If you are free lunch and your child likes what they have, then by all means use that extra time to spend quality time with your son in the mornings instead of packing lunch.

    Also, if he was free lunch last year and qualifies this year then you don't have to pack lunch in the beginning. Just send in a note that states this and the free lunch program will cover this when it kicks in.

    First graders are awesome!! They are so full of energy and love school to the fullest!!


  5. When my two sons turned ten, [ages 13 & 10 now] they wanted to Pick out their own clothes, I ironed, and they packed their own lunch or they'd ask me for a dollar or two so they can bbuy lunch.

  6. My kids pack their own lunches, even my 5 year old.  My 5 year old will be going into first grade, my 8 year old will be in third grade and my 11 year old will be a freshman in high school.  I do suggest that you start learning to spell and use proper grammar as well, it will be more beneficial to your son if he has a learning disablity.  

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